The VRG's 2023 Video Contest Winners

Save Our Fresh Water!
The Colorado River Solution

by Marian Gonzalez

I am interested in vegetarianism for environmental reasons. A goal of mine is to reduce pollution by raising awareness about the devastating effects of the meat industry. By advocating a vegetarian lifestyle, I believe the public can counteract the ethical dilemmas introduced by factory farming.


Meat Alternatives Are Tasty!
Meat or Meatless?

by Megan Wilkinson

Initially, I went vegetarian because of the inhumane practices of meat husbandry. I grew up near two large meat packing plants, so I frequently witness trucks transporting cattle or pigs to those facilities. It has always made me sad, which motivated me to go vegetarian when I was 12. I've remained vegetarian because of the environmental impact of the meat industry, and advocate for more people to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle (or include less meat in their diet)! I hope to go vegan one day once my lifestyle supports it!


A Hilarious Veggie Adventure
Join The Veggie Revolution

by Gianna Brown

I'm interested in vegetarianism because it seems like a good way to be kind to animals, protect the environment, and maybe even improve my health. I want to learn more about how eating a plant-based diet can make a positive impact overall.


Dance Your Way to A New Lifestyle
Veganism: The Way To Go

by Michelle Anoka

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." —Gandhi. This statement is one that I live by as I embark on my healthy lifestyle journey. Taking charge and controlling what I put in my body has been very effective with vegetarianism, and I have noticed a vast difference in my health. It also impacts the environment and is highly sustainable, as it requires fewer resources compared to animal agriculture, which contributes to the increase in greenhouse emissions that are harmful to the Earth.


Video scholarships have been given in honor of W.M. Zahn, who was a great mentor.

View winners of the video contest at

The deadline for the next VRG video contest is July 15, 2024.
