The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Effort to Ban Barren Battery Cages Nationwide

Posted on June 05, 2012 by The VRG Blog Editor

Last week, S. 3239, federal legislation to reform the egg industry and ban barren battery cages, was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., with a bipartisan group of original cosponsors. The Humane Society of the United States says this bill (identical to H.R. 3798 introduced earlier in the House) will lead to major improvements in the treatment of 280 million hens involved in U.S. egg production, essentially doubling the amount of space per bird, banning inhumane practices such as forced starvation molting, and requiring on-carton labeling so consumers know how hens are raised.

For more information, click here.

0 to “Effort to Ban Barren Battery Cages Nationwide”

  1. BTF says:

    This outrageous legislation would establish egg factory cages as a national standard that could never be challenged or changed by state law or public vote. Instead of outlawing cages – this crazy measure would outlaw the BANNING of cages. That is why it is being pushed by the egg industry itself! The Stop the Rotten Egg Bill ( campaign is getting it right. Check it out. This bill would stop cage-free laws dead in their tracks and keep hens locked in cruel metal cages forever, while instituting a variety of empty “reforms” that are already occurring due to state law and public pressure.

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