The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Amory Fischer Receives $5000 VRG college scholarship

Posted on May 20, 2013 by The VRG Blog Editor

Congratulations to Amory Fischer from Virginia, who is our second $5,000 college scholarship recipient for 2013! Amory, who will be majoring in environmental policy, said:

I have destroyed the myth that vegetarians are short, unhealthy, scrawny individuals, who cannot survive without dietary supplements. I have held my own on a soccer team, lifted weights with football players, and stacked hay in the barn and bags of seed in the storehouse alongside the rest of my coworkers. They may be surprised to find out I am a vegetarian, but they no longer think people like me cannot keep up.

As a kindergartener, I would get upset about people eating meat in my presence. I would tell them continually why what they were doing was disgusting and wrong and why I disliked them for it. One could infer then, that I had few people who took me seriously and even few who would hang out with me, especially during lunch. I have learned since that to really get someone to think about the choices they make, one has to first relate to that person…People are willing to listen when they are talked to respectfully…

Vegetarianism is an integral aspect of my world view…In my freshman year of high school, I won second place in the state of Virginia forensics competition with a piece devoted to nonviolence and compassion for all life. When I was fifteen, I won sixth place in the State’s Virginia High School League Forensics Original Oratory Competition with a speech on the topic of vegetarianism…

I joined the Key Club in freshman year of high school…I approached the club sponsor with the idea of a separate Environmental Committee. She agreed to let me try it out – if I would be in charge… (In one project) I have organized thirty of my peers though my position as Key Club Environmental Committee Chair to help set up and take down tents, tables, and chairs for the Charlottesville Vegetarian Festival. We also help run the festival, manning booths for vendors or educators that need a break, passing around petitions, assisting the many food stands with serving customers, and running errands…I will be graduating this year, so in order to continue this tradition of helping with the Vegetarian Festival and other environmental projects, I have made a fourteen page booklet for my successors on the committee to be able to carry the torch. It is filled with detailed descriptions of all the projects we worked on…

One of Amory’s references stated that, “Amory organized Key Club volunteers for the Charlottesville Vegetarian Festivals as well as Charlottesville’s Eco Fair… Without Amory’s support we would have had a difficult time managing the event. However last year’s event was so successful that this year we are doing the event as a zero waste festival. Without Amory and his leadership of the Key Club we would not even consider this additional project.”

Amory related, “A friend of my step-father’s asked me about my dream of going into politics…I responded by saying that my path would be based on whatever doors of opportunity opened. I place my future in the Lord’s hands, and day by day I live by two simple goals: to help those suffering today and preserve the earth for future generations. Vegetarianism is the solution to both those goals.”

The deadline for the next Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship is February 20, 2014 for high school seniors. Please see

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  1. 10 02 14 14:33

    The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

0 to “Amory Fischer Receives $5000 VRG college scholarship”

  1. Sue Williams says:

    Sounds like Amory Fischer deserved the scholarship. Sounds like she appreciated it, I wonder how she made out.

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