The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Guide to Rice, Oat and Other Grain Milks

Posted on September 05, 2013 by The VRG Blog Editor

By Reed Mangels, PhD, RD

Rice milk is a popular plant milk, with usage ranking below soymilk and almond milk but ahead of other plant milks. Rice milk is the most common grain-based plant milk. Other grains used commercially to make milks include oats, quinoa, and a mixture of 7 grains. Grain milks are similar, from a calorie standpoint, to almond milk with 45 to 160 calories in an 8-ounce serving. As is true for other milks, flavored milks (vanilla, chocolate, carob, for example) will have more calories than unsweetened or original milks. Rice milk provides little protein and is typically lower in sodium than almond milk. Rice milk’s consistency is often thinner than soymilk or almond milk. Oat milk and 7-grain milk are higher in protein than rice milk but do not have as much protein as soymilk. Most grain milks have vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin B12 added although some products are not enriched and not all contain vitamin B12. If you’re relying on plant milks as a source of vitamin B12, be sure to check the product label.

Brown rice is the base for all brands of rice milk that we found. Pacific Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Whole Foods 365 brand are made with organic rice. Some varieties of Rice Dream are organic – this is indicated on the package. Pacific oat milks are organic as are their 7-grain milks and Dream Blends’ products. An upcoming issue of Vegetarian Journal will have more details about grain milks.

To find out more about grain milks from Dream Blends, Pacific, Rice Dream, 365 brand, and Trader Joe’s, take a look at this chart:

You may also be interested in information on Nut and Seed Milks:

Thanks to VRG interns Candice Kalinski and Gabrielle Rapsis for helping to collect product information.

0 to “Guide to Rice, Oat and Other Grain Milks”

  1. joel cabot says:

    Hi, and thank you for this first step. I will think we need to know the quantity or percentage of Rice in Rice Milk. Another example, would be to know how much Soy is in the Soy Milk (I am more interested in the unsweetened milks).

    In other word, what “milk” product means if anything… I like the “Unsweetened Edensoy, Organic Soymilk”
    which contain ONLY Soy and water. I would say this my definition of SOYMILK. I did not find an equivalent for rice.

    Hope this help make a better planet.

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