The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog


Posted on November 29, 2017 by The VRG Blog Editor

Thank you to volunteer Marcia Pearson who had a Vegetarian Resource Group booth at the Everett Community College Food Day event. Marcia has been a vegan activist since the 1970’s, and one of the original “cruelty’free” campaigners to standardize the term.

Marcia reported that at this event there was “Quite an improvement from the late 1970’s and 1980’s when the animal industry would come in to the Home Economics course and do the lesson plan for the week. Now there is not Home Ec, but a very good nutrition department.” At this Food Day event, besides VRG, they had representatives from Meatless Mondays, Vegetarians of Washington, and Vegan Haven, a vegan store in Seattle’s university district.”

“There was mandatory attendance by all nutrition students. Nutrition students had to have their “passports” stamped by each Food Day booth. When full, they qualified for a raffle ticket. So it was good motivation for students to take information and talk to the tablers. Across the hall in another room they had cooking demos. A nice student brought me a sample of a classic pasta and tomato sauce with some large kidney beans added. Practical and within a student budget. The pasta was tasty. However, I’m so glad The VRG Vegetarian Journals and brochures showed more interesting recipes that were flavorful and economical for students. Throughout the day there were crowds of students taking “required reading.” I’m glad I had VRG’s Spanish brochures; I handed out perhaps a dozen to those who were bilingual. VRG’s Save Our Water brochure was also picked up by many, as the non-vegetarian tables dealt with Fair Trade and Water issues. Thank you also to Judy Woods of Vegan Haven for all her help and outreach.”

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