The Vegetarian Resource Group received the following request:

Hi, we’re hoping you can help us out with a psychology study we are conducting. We are doing an anonymous survey (20 min or less) about being a vegetarian. Any help spreading the word about the study would be greatly appreciated.

Participants over the age of 18 are eligible to win a $50 Amazon gift card (chances of winning are 1 in 100, draw entries will be confidential and not associated with survey responses).

You can take the survey online at:

The survey will be open until September 16th, 2018.

Thank you!
Dr. Courtney Plante, Department of Psychology, MacEwan University, plantec5@macewan.ca
Dr. Stephen Reysen, Department of Psychology & Special Education, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Stephen.Reysen@tamuc.edu

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