Vegetarian Action: Get Dirty with Mud Not Blood

Each issue of Vegetarian Journal has a column called Vegetarian Action. The latest issue features Mud Not Blood, an all-vegan athletic team that specializes in obstacle races and trail running.

Mud Not Blood started in 2016 when founder Nathaniel Corn recruited now-team captains Ashley Fitzgerald and Leon Beggs to join him at a mud race in Pennsylvania. The trio was immediately hooked and set about growing the group to attempt a Tough Mudder — considered the pinnacle of obstacle course races (OCR). Today, there is a core group of ten athletes, with an extended group of 30, participating from four states, ranging in age from 22 to 60.

Read the entire article here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2018issue4/2018_issue4_veggie_action.php

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