Evergreen Fest at Loyola University of Maryland

By Taylor Gale, VRG Intern

Every year, Loyola holds an Evergreen Fest to celebrate environmentalism and sustainability. A few Loyola clubs, including surrounding environmentally conscious organizations are provided a table to showcase their product or serve as a platform to educate others about the environment. This past Friday I had the opportunity to represent The Vegetarian Resource Group at one of the tables for Evergreen Fest. The festival went from 12-3pm, but with a cast of rain I only stayed until 2pm. The Environmental Action Club at Loyola hosts Evergreen Fest every year. This year they offered vegan pizza for free as well as a smoothie bike!! Students were able to bike to create their own delicious and nutritious smoothie, while being environmentally conscious by skipping using electricity. Various tables offered products, such as succulents, vegan cookie decorating, face scrubs, raffle prizes and many more!

Students kept coming up to the VRG table asking questions about vegetarianism and what VRG offers. I really enjoyed my time because I was able to discuss the detrimental environmental costs of the meat industry, explain how to cook a meat-free diet, and hand out journals to any students and faculty that passed by. The best part of it all was being able to hold conversations with others about how to go vegan or sustain the lifestyle. At one point, a prospective student and her mother came to the VRG table and told us about their tribulations with being a teen and vegan. Luckily, VRG provides support and journals for teens’ frequently asked questions— https://www.vrg.org/teen/ —so I was able to provide them with guidance and essential information. Overall, the event went very smoothly, that is, before the rain came pouring down. Although, the timing was short, I was able to reach out to many students and faculty about making healthier and more sustainable options for what goes on their plate!

For information about VRG internships, see https://www.vrg.org/student/index.php

To support Vegetarian Resource Group outreach, donate at www.vrg.org/donate

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