Dharshan Varia stated: I am interested in vegetarianism because of the overwhelming health benefits I have seen associated with this diet. Additionally, morally, it does not sit well with me that we must kill animals and let them suffer from personal satisfaction when there are other plant-based options available. In the past few years, I have been really interested in vegetarian restaurants and cooking. I have learned how to effectively substitute plant-based proteins for meats while still maintaining the overall flavor of a meal. I believe that vegetarianism is a growing trend and I hope that my interest in vegetarianism will allow people to learn about environmental, health, and moral benefits associated with vegetarianism.
To see VRG 2019 video contest winners and rules for 2020, go to https://www.vrg.org/veg_videos.php
The deadline for the next video contest is July 15, 2020.
See: http://www.vrg.org/videoscholarship.php
For information about VRG’s College Scholarship Contest (One $10,000, two $5,000 awards), see http://www.vrg.org/student/scholar.htm
To support The Vegetarian Resource Group scholarships and internships, donate at www.vrg.org/donate
or The Vegetarian Resource Group, Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203
Video scholarships have been given in honor of W.M. Zahn, who was a great mentor.