Report on The Vegetarian Resource Group’s 2019 Pre-Thanksgiving Vegan Dinner

On Sunday, November 24th, 2019 The Vegetarian Resource Group hosted our 38th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Vegan Potluck Dinner at the North Baltimore Mennonite Church on Roland Avenue in Baltimore, MD.

Imagine all of the camaraderie and food associated with the holiday without the turkey and fixin’s. Imagine all that food – and it was all wonderfully VEGAN. Was this what vegan heaven looks like? It’s certainly represents a step toward heaven. You should have been there! Make plans to join us next year, you owe it to yourself – and to the turkeys.
Save the date: VRG’s pre-Thanksgiving potluck in Baltimore, MD is on the Sunday before Thanksgiving each year!
We encourage you to hold a similar event in your home town. Of course the internet has loads of vegan recipes but here are a few more