Review by Marcia Schveibinz
Words on a Killing by Will Lowrey is a very short story based on actual events about the author’s experience visiting an animal production facility in rural New England. The facility he visited was supposedly one of the more “humane” slaughterhouses. The book is broken into small chapters and Lowrey is very descriptive to help the reader to “see” as close to what the author is seeing firsthand. The author refers to each animal as “her” to signify that every living being in the factory is an individual and not just someone’s dinner.
This story is very important and contributes to helping others become aware and exposes the reality of what happens behind the scenes in an animal slaughterhouse.
Words on a Killing by Will Lowrey is a 41-page paperback book. It is published by Lomack Publishing and is available for retail on Amazon in paperback and kindle edition. This book may be suitable for ages 14 to adult.
For a list of other children’s books, see: https://www.vrg.org/family/young_peoples_books_with_vegetarian_or_animal_rights_themes.pdf