The Latest Scientific Updates from Vegetarian Journal

Each issue of Vegetarian Journal features reviews of recent scientific literature on veggie diets. One topic covered is: Health Professionals Demonstrate Limited Knowledge About Vegetarian and Vegan Diets. According to The Vegetarian Resource Group Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, “Health professionals often provide nutrition advice but may not be knowledgeable about vegetarian diets. Researchers in Italy asked more than 400 nurses, midwives, and support workers about the definition of vegetarian and vegan diets, food sources of nutrients, and the use of a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. Almost 80% of those surveyed had not taken a nutrition class in the past five years; 5% were vegetarian. Only 2% correctly defined a vegetarian diet but two-thirds correctly defined a vegan diet. Fewer than one-third correctly considered a “planned vegetarian diet” to be adequate for children, while two-thirds incorrectly thought that “planned vegetarian and vegan diets” during pregnancy were associated with a higher risk of pregnancy difficulties.”

Another subject is: Use of More Traditional Plant Foods Recommended for Hispanics/Latinos. According to Dr. Mangels, “Rates of diabetes and obesity in Hispanics/Latinos in North America have increased markedly over the past decade with rates of diabetes 60% higher in Hispanics/Latinos compared to non-Hispanic whites. One factor in this increase may be the transition from more traditional whole plant foods to a higher intake of meats and processed foods.”

You can read this column here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2020issue1/2020_issue1_scientific_update.php

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