The Myth & the Philosopher: On an important topic like veganism, a philosopher can explain fallacies and myths and show how the vegan way is linked to multiple contemporary, as well as perennial, issues.

Philosophy professor Gene Sager wrote an article titled “The Myth & the Philosopher” in the latest issue of Vegetarian Journal where he starts off saying, “As a professional philosopher, I have often criticized my colleagues for overuse of technical language and the inability to communicate with the general public. At its best, a philosophical perspective can use everyday language to bring clarity and new insight. On an important topic like veganism, a philosopher can explain fallacies and myths and show how the vegan way is linked to multiple contemporary, as well as perennial, issues.

Philosophy can also cut through complexity and show how it is that veganism is a way of life based on a single, deep moral principle. That is what I propose to offer here. My own checkered dietary past will serve as an example of what makes sense and what does not.”

Read the article here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2020issue1/2020_issue1_myth_philosopher.php

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