Scientific Updates in the Latest Edition of Vegetarian Journal

Each issue of Vegetarian Journal features reviews of recent scientific literature on veggie diets. In the latest edition we cover these topics:

Comparing Adolescent Diets: Vegetarians vs. Non-Vegetarians (Some experts believe that vegetarian teens have more healthful diets than non-vegetarian teens. A recent study used an online questionnaire to compare the nutrient intake of 12-18 year olds. Many subjects were Seventh-day Adventists; all were from Adventist and public schools near major Adventist universities in Michigan and Southern California.)

For a Less Expensive, Nutrient-Rich Diet, Choose Vegetarian! (In the USDA’s publication, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020, three healthy food patterns are identified, namely a “healthy vegetarian” food pattern, a Mediterranean pattern, and a “U.S.-Style” pattern. Many Americans struggle with food costs and may not be able to afford the nutritious foods called for in these Dietary Guidelines. Researchers used food costs and information from a large survey of Americans’ eating practices to estimate diet quality and cost. They then estimated the cost of menus based on the three healthy food patterns.)

Red Meat and Longevity? (Researchers from Loma Linda University investigated the association of red and processed meat intake with the overall death rate (“mortality”) from all diseases, from cardiovascular disease, and from cancer in more than 70,000 generally healthy Seventh-day Adventists.)

To read the entire reviews on each topic, visit: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2020issue1/2020_issue1_scientific_update.php

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