Join the Discussion with 500+ Families in The Vegetarian Resource Group’s Parents and Kids Facebook Group!

Recent topics brought up include:
– Just got back from my son’s one-year check-up, and the only concern the doctor had about a plant-based diet was the amount of fat (or lack thereof) in whatever plant-based milk we may choose to transition to. Anyone know of any brands/varieties that have comparable fat to whole cow’s milk and also hit the other main important points (protein, calcium, vitamins D and B12)?
– How do you educate young children and tell them the truth about where meat comes from and how animals are badly treated, but not terrify them?
– Another option for vegan shoes for kids was posted.
– Live Video of 9-year-old vegan boy answering questions. is intended to be a group that offers support for
families raising children on vegan diets and for vegan kids. We envision it as
a place to get advice about a wide-variety of topics: pregnancy, birthday
parties, school lunches, Halloween, non-leather apparel, cruelty-free products,
summer camps, and more. Please use it as a place to share your wisdom, seek
advice, or just find a sympathetic ear. The goal is to offer support.
Consequently, any profane, defamatory, offensive,
or violent language will be removed. Feel free to disagree, but do so
respectfully. Hateful or discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity,
religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or political beliefs will not
be tolerated. We expect that posts should relate to vegan diets and lifestyles.
The Vegetarian Resource Group reserves the right to monitor all content and ban
any user who posts in violation of the above rules, any law or regulation,
SPAM, or anything otherwise off topic.
Please share this information with any veggie families that you know! Thanks.