Quick Suggestions on How to Use Rice Leftovers

How often have you prepared a pot of rice, had leftovers after your meal, and were lacking ideas of what to do with the leftover rice the next day or two? One of Chef Nancy Berkoff’s previous articles in Vegetarian Journal offers quick ideas on how you can creatively use your leftover rice.

For example, Chef Berkoff says, Combine leftover white or brown rice with any of the following and then microwave or sauté with a small amount of vegetable oil spray:


  • Chopped green bell peppers, chopped tomatoes, chopped parsley, and chopped walnuts
  • Chopped parsley, bread crumbs, lemon juice, and minced smoked tofu or seitan
  • Chopped green bell peppers, chopped onions, chopped celery, chopped mushrooms, pimentos, cayenne, and paprika
  • Cooked wild rice, minced garlic, sautéed onions and mushrooms, and dry sherry
  • Red bell peppers, Soyrizo or crumbled vegan sausage, paprika, oregano, and shallots
  • Scallions, water chestnuts or jicama, cilantro, and soy sauce
  • Chopped fresh parsley, minced garlic, curry powder, and soy margarine
  • Forest blend mushrooms (a commercial mixture similar to mixed vegetables available in the produce, refrigerated, dried fruit and vegetable, or soup section in many supermarkets) and sherry


  • Pineapple and maple syrup
  • Peanut, almond, hazelnut, apple, or soy butter, cinnamon, and ginger
  • Minced dried apricots, raisins, and almonds
  • Shredded coconut, maple syrup, nutmeg, and cloves

Her article also offers suggestions on how to spice up your rice, entrée suggestions, as well as how to take leftover rice and make rice milk or congee (rice porridge).

Read the entire article here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2006issue2/2006_issue2_tips.php

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