Make Vegan Pizza at Home

Chef Nancy Berkoff offers creative suggestions on how to make pizza in your own home. The information below is from a previous Vegetarian Journal article.
Make Your Pizza
Preheat oven to 400 degrees (you can use a toaster oven for individual pizzas). The microwave won’t work for this — no one wants a “steamed” pizza.
Whatever type of “dough” you’ve selected, bake it, if necessary. If using bread, like English muffins or burger buns, slice thin and toast lightly.
Decide on your sauce and toppings — we’ve given some suggestions below. Smooth a thin layer of sauce on your “dough” and then go to town with the toppings — really pile them on.
Place your masterpiece on a nonstick baking dish and allow to bake until your “dough” is crunchy and your veggies or fruit are cooked to the texture you’d like. Times will vary depending on the thickness of the bread you used and the amount of toppings, but can take as little as 7 minutes or up to 20 minutes. Make enough so you can have cold pizza for breakfast, or pack some for lunch!
Super Pizza Combos
- English muffin topped with mushroom sauce and fresh and canned mushrooms, chopped canned tomatoes, and chopped green peppers
- Pita with mushroom sauce, topped with three different types of cooked beans, mushrooms, and onions
- Sliced French bread topped with tomato purée, rosemary, fresh and canned tomatoes, peppers, and onions
- Baked pizza dough topped with tomato sauce, shredded spinach, basil, oregano, and white beans
- Sliced burger bun topped with tomato sauce, chopped chilies and peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms
- Baked pizza dough with orange juice concentrate and peanut butter sauce (mix the two together for the consistency you want) topped with fresh and frozen strawberries, pineapple, chopped walnuts, and coconut, or topped with canned peaches and plums, shredded dried apricots, raisins, and dates
The entire article can be read here:
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