Low-Cost Vegan Menus Based on USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Budget

Several months ago, The Vegetarian Resource Group began a lengthy research project with the goal of creating a Low-Cost Vegan Menus Based on USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Budget. Little did we know how important this piece became during the pandemic. With so many people out-of-work there’s even greater need for food budgeting.
The piece states, “How inexpensive can a vegan diet be and still provide health-supporting food without requiring hours of travel to different stores and lots of meal preparation? Sometimes vegan diets are perceived as expensive. Our experience has been that they can be pricey if we choose lots of convenience foods and out-of-season produce, and mainly shop at specialty stores. We’ve also found that vegan diets can be incredibly inexpensive and can be planned using foods that are readily available in supermarkets and big-box stores. We decided to plan a week of vegan menus whose cost would not exceed the food cost allotment from the United States Department of Agriculture’s food assistance program.”
The article includes a SNAP Weekly Low-Cost Vegan Menu, as well as several vegan recipes.
You can read the entire article that ran in the most recent Vegetarian Journal here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2020issue2/2020_issue2_vegan_menus.php
You can also find a Spanish version of this information here: https://www.vrg.org/blog/2020/06/09/snap-recetas-semanales-de-menos-costos-para-veganos-low-cost-vegan-menus-based-on-usda-supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap-budget-spanish-version-available/
To support this type of research, please donate to The Vegetarian Resource Group here: www.vrg.org/donate