Best Websites in English with Information on Calcium in the Vegan Diet for Latin Americans

Photo from Odette Olivares

By Odette Olivares, VRG intern

VRG intern Odette Olivares selected 24 of the best websites with calcium information for vegetarians which includes information geared towards Latinos. The Vegan R.D. and The Vegetarian Resource Group turned out to be the best websites from this selection. Both sites were written by Registered Dietitians and have comprehensive and detailed information on calcium. Besides, this selection can also offer you other creative ways to present calcium information. For example, you can find entertaining YouTube videos containing an interview with a Registered Dietitian, or a vegan YouTuber talking about calcium while also showing you their calcium menus. There are plenty of different sites to choose from! Check them out and share this selection!

See: https://www.vrg.org/nutrition/Best-Websites-in-English-with-Information-on-Calcium-in-the-Vegan-Diet-for-Latin-Americans.pdf

In Spanish, see: https://www.vrg.org/nutshell/los-mejores-sitios-de-internet-en-ingles-con-informacion-sobre-calcio-para-veganos-latinoamericanos.pdf

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