The Vegetarian Resource Group Essay Contest for Children: Deadline is May 20, 2021

Each year The Vegetarian Resource Group holds an essay contest for children up to age 18. SUBJECT: 2-3 page essay on any aspect of veganism/vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is not eating meat, fish, and birds (for example, chicken or duck). Vegans do not use any animal products. Among the many reasons for being a vegan/vegetarian are beliefs about ethics, culture, health, aesthetics, religion, world peace, economics, world hunger, and the environment.

Entrants should base their paper on interviewing, research, and/or personal opinion. You need not be a vegetarian to enter. All essays become the property of The Vegetarian Resource Group. DEADLINE: Must be postmarked by May 1, 2021 for current year of judging.

Previous winning essays and complete details can be seen here: http://www.vrg.org/essay/

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