The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

When it comes to veganism, never count anyone out!

Posted on July 12, 2021 by The VRG Blog Editor

By Rissa Miller, Senior Editor Vegetarian Journal

In my parents’ neighborhood, there is a regular breakfast/coffee for the ladies of the neighborhood. Most who attend are retired or over the age of 60 at least, with some women in the 30s-40s-50s coming at different times. There’s always coffee and tea with dairy and coconut-vegan creamer on the table, and folks take turns bringing muffins, etc. to share. It’s quite formal, with saucers and such. 

Last week I was surprised to discover I was not the only vegan in the group! I had encountered two vegetarians in the past few months, both women in their 30s. But these vegan ladies were NEW vegans, who were looking for resources. I was pleased to hand them a few copies of Vegetarian Journal, as well as local vegan guides I keep in my car from the York vegan advocates group in Pennsylvania. 

Though I have been vegan for 26 years, it never ceases to surprise me where I meet other vegans, and how the interest in veganism can appear out of nowhere, in the most unexpected of places. The 3 women who were new vegans were all over the age of 70. I see in action how it is critical never to count anyone out. And to always keep vegan advocacy materials on me!

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