Warren PA Vegan Dinner Group Shares Copies of Vegetarian Journal

We thought you might be interested in seeing some publicity we (and you) received on one of our area TV stations. We had our monthly vegan group dinner last week, and a gentleman by the name of John Last, who does human-interest type stories for his Erie, PA stations, came to Warren (about 65 miles away) to interview and film us. His segment, called “The Last Word” aired on Monday, January 31, and was very nicely done, I thought. Included in the clip are stacks of the back issues of The Vegetarian Journal that you sent us to distribute. We’ve received lots of great comments about the broadcast and continue to pick up new members because of it.
Here’s a link to the news segment: Spreading the Vegan Lifestyle in Warren – Erie News Now | WICU and WSEE in Erie, PA
Best regards, Don Reed