Book Review: Bear Boy and Kind Poems

In the latest issue of Vegan Journal, Senior Editor Rissa Miller reviews two books: Bear Boy and Kind Poems. Rissa says, Bear boy is a young adult book that details the true story of a teenage boy in California who not only inspires incredible change in a zoo, but also raises a quarter of a million dollars to save two bears and place them in a sanctuary—all before he could drive. It’s a page turner, no matter the reader’s age. You may want to keep a box of tissues nearby, too, just in case.

Kind Poems is for literature or animal lovers. This collection of 55 eloquently written free-form poems brings the plight of animals in modern society into the limelight. Poignant and heartfelt writing and evocative imagery offer the readers a chance to re-examine their relationship with animals, the earth, and each other.

Read the entire review here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2022issue3/2022_issue3_book_reviews.php

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