Reed Mangels, PhD, RD: Vegan Nutrition Pioneer

The 40th Anniversary Issue of Vegan Journal includes a Vegan Action column featuring Reed Mangels, PhD, RD. Reed is a vegan nutrition pioneer. She is one of the foremost experts on vegan nutrition for children, both from a scientific and practical perspective, as she has raised two vegan kids starting from pregnancy. For almost 40 years, Reed has contributed her time to help a multitude of groups and individuals educate others about vegan diets. Whenever The Vegetarian Resource Group does a booth at a professional conference, and some of her prior students walk by and see her books, they gush about what a great professor she was. Reed is a true pioneer and is indispensable to the movement, reaching both health professionals and consumers. She has immensely influenced the dietetic profession. We can’t possibly list all her activities here, but give a few here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2022issue3/2022_issue3_vegan_action.php

In honor of Reed’s contributions, please donate to The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org/donate

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