For IRAs, you must take your first Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) by April 1 of the year after you turn age 72, regardless of whether or not you are retired. (In the past, this was earlier.) Your second RMD must be taken by December 31 of that same year. And each year thereafter, you must take your RMD by December 31.

These distributions are generally included in your taxable income. Any distributions made through December 31 will be taxed in the current year. For this reason, many IRA holders choose to take their first distribution by December 31 of the year they turn age 72. Required beginning dates for RMDs from an employer plan vary depending on plan rules.

Generally, you can distribute up to $100,000 each year directly from a Traditional IRA to qualified charities, such as The Vegetarian Resource Group. This qualified charitable distribution (QCD) can count toward your RMD and won’t be included in your taxable income. You can start QCD at 70 1/2.

This is not specific or personal tax or legal advice, for which you should speak to your financial advisor. Here is IRS information: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/reminder-to-ira-owners-age-70-and-a-half-or-over-qualified-charitable-distributions-are-great-options-for-making-tax-free-gifts-to-charity

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