Low-Cost Vegan Menu Ideas with Recipes

Many people are looking for inexpensive vegan menu ideas. Previously, VRG Dietetic Intern Melissa Wong created low cost vegan menu plans with some vegan recipes that ran in VRG’s Journal. Melissa states, “Can someone follow a vegan diet and stay within a strict financial budget? The answer is yes! The following meal plans were devised for three specific populations: young adults, older adults, and a family of four. If you do not fit into one of these categories, you may still use the ideas in this article to develop a meal plan that is just right for you. Each plan features an array of meal ideas that are quick and easy to prepare, that contain the nutrients your body needs, and that won’t put a huge dent in your wallet.”

Read the entire article here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2006issue2/2006_issue2_mealplans.php

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