by Hank J. Rothgerber, PhD

I have several blog postings that I think readers would find of interest. The first is posted on my webpage.

     Chances are my vegetarian readers have been on the wrong side of a meat eater before. You may have been minding your own business, been on good behavior, and not looking for a fight, but there you were confronted by a meat eater with an edge. I remember getting ambushed by my wife’s family years ago over not eating meat although time has made me recall the incident as a mere annoyance. Sometimes we are teased, sometimes the butt of jokes, sometimes questioned in what seems like a playful manner, sometimes the subject of hushed whispers or unwanted stares… No matter how carefully you try to manage such situations, allow me to share with you a dirty secret: Their reactions are not about you; they are about them.

     For Dr. Rothgerber’s complete posting see: https://hankrothgerber.com/encounters-with-meat-eaters

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