Vegan Items in Supermarkets, Fast-food Chains, and Sit-down Restaurants in Three Countries

By Reed Mangels, PhD, RD

A recent study compared the number of foods identified as vegan in supermarkets, fast-food chains, and sit-down restaurant chains in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. For each sector, the websites of the top chains, based on the most recent market share information, were used. For example, for supermarkets, the researchers identified the top 10 chains in each country. They then searched the website of each supermarket chain for products identified as “vegan” and counted the number of distinct products.

For fast-food chains and sit-down restaurant chains, the researchers identified the top 10 chains based on market share in each county. They then searched the online menus of each chain to see how many items were advertised as “vegan” with words or with an icon.

Here’s what they found when they surveyed supermarkets in 2020 using the search term “vegan.” Supermarkets in the United Kingdom had 1,096 products labeled “vegan;” in the United States, there were 690 products, and in Canada, there were 336.

There were a limited number of vegan products in the top fast-food and sit-down restaurant chains. Among the top 10 fast-food restaurants in Canada, only 4 vegan products were identified. In the United Kingdom, 10 vegan products were identified, and in the United States, 17 vegan products were found.

Among the top 10 sit-down restaurants in the United States, only 3 vegan products were identified, 20 in Canada, and 38 in the United Kingdom.

This research was only looking at products made to resemble animal-based foods and drinks so did not count items such as canned beans, baked goods, or fruits that were identified as “vegan.”

It would be interesting to repeat this study in the future to see if more products are identified as “vegan.”


Guess N, Klatt K, Wei D, et al. A cross-sectional analysis of products marketed as plant-based across the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada using online nutrition information. Curr Dev Nutr. 2023;7(3):100059.

To read more about vegan food in supermarkets and fast-food chains see:

Fast Food Information

Surveying Supermarkets (1998)

Vegan at the Dollar Tree Store

Vegan Food Items at Publix and Target (2011)

Aldi Rolls Out Vegan and Vegetarian Product Line

Vegan Products at Harris Teeter (2013)

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