The Savory Side of Chocolate

People generally think of sweet dishes when chocolate is featured; however, chocolate is often used in savory recipes. Debra Daniels-Zeller’s previous VRG Journal article called The Savory Side of Chocolate features these vegan dishes: Chocolate Balsamic Vinaigrette; Slow-Simmered Black-Eyed Peas and Corn in Barbecue Sauce; Black Bean and Yam Enchiladas Infused with Chocolate; Sweet and Smoky Barbecue Sauce with a Hint of Chocolate; Baked Tempeh in Sweet and Smoky Barbecue Sauce; Chocolate Mole; Chocolate-Infused Shepherd’s Pie; and Chocolate Sweet Potato Drop Biscuits. Debra also describes the various varieties of dark chocolate.

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