The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Please Show Your Support for all the Good Work The Vegetarian Resource Group Does Year-Round by Donating to VRG Through CFC, Your State Campaign, or Directly to Us!

Posted on September 11, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

The Vegetarian Resource Group continues to be very busy on a daily basis. Below are some examples of successes and activities. Your support through Combined Federal Charity (CFC) or your Local/State Campaign is greatly appreciated! You can also donate directly to VRG at

Here’s a sampling of some of our accomplishments and outreach:

  • The Vegetarian Resource Group Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, did a presentation to Maryland Dietitians in Health Care Communities on Offering Plant-Based and Vegan Options: Why It Makes Sense and How to Do It.
  • The Vegetarian Resource Group poll numbers were cited in The Hill, a political news publication, which is read by The White House, Congress, and others. See:
  • The Vegetarian Resource Group Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, did an interview on Arirang TV, an English-language broadcasting station in South Korea, on vegetarian diets. She also authored the Guide on How to Go Vegetarian or Vegan in Psyche (digital magazine).
  • Reed was interviewed for an article for Contemporary Pediatrics about nutritional benefits and/or drawbacks of veganism and vegetarianism in adolescents. The aim of this article is to provide general practice pediatricians with guidance and nutritional information that they can share with their patients who may want to pursue either of these diets.
  • VRG sent materials for health fairs, clinics, and restaurant tabling in Alabama, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. For example, a presenter at a health fair in Alabama asked for copies of our My Vegan Plate to distribute to attendees. VRG also gave 75 copies of our Spanish coloring books to three kindergarten classes in California. We were told it was a fun resource to use with their mostly bilingual students.
  • Charles Stahler and Debra Wasserman coordinated a booth at Vegan SoulFest in Baltimore, Maryland, while Elsa Spencer, PhD, staffed a VRG booth at Richmond VegFest in Virginia.
  • VRG sent 400 Vegan Journals to include in grab bags for VegFests in Sarasota, Florida; Durham, North Carolina; Columbia, South Carolina; and Greenville, South Carolina, for a total of 1,600 copies. We also shipped four boxes of Vegan Journals and VRG handouts to the Vegan Society of Hawaii to be shared at the Climate Fair on the Hawaii State Capitol’s lawn and at the Windward Coast Emergency Preparedness Fair. Finally, we sent materials for events at a church in Selma, Alabama, and another in Anniston, Alabama, as well as a Juneteenth day of celebration and learning in Richmond, Virginia.
  • VRG continues to host virtual interns/volunteers throughout the year. They all worked/are working on a number of exciting outreach and research projects!

This is just a small sampling of what we are doing at VRG every day. Thank you so much! We couldn’t do this without your support.

You can donate directly to VRG at

You can also mail donations to The Vegetarian Resource Group, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203 or call in your donation to (410) 366-8343 Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm EST.

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