The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Vegan SoulFest in Baltimore, Maryland

Posted on September 29, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

By Chelsea Chilewa, VRG Intern

Vegan SoulFest is a celebration that all ages can explore. This year’s live performances, led by Jade Novah and her latest musical creations, seamlessly infused the atmosphere with a captivating rhythm. The masterful MC’s voice resonated through speakers that carried its infectious energy across a three-mile expanse. As an African American woman who has encountered skepticism for embracing veganism within my own community, participating in this Black-operated event felt profoundly moving.

I was overwhelmed with the number of tents there were. Would I get to all of them?! How many of those tents were energy companies trying to sign a contract? The answer is one.

People of all kinds formed meandering lines that intersected within the venue. What appeared to be a line for lemonade happened to lead to delectable plant-based burgers. Amidst the heat and long lines this was a safe space to meet people. A comforting camaraderie emerged. Initial conversations soon turned to our connection to veganism. Attendees came in their brightest and most colorful suits, while others in their shortest, most flowy tops. I connected with the lady next to me on our braided, loc’d and dyed hair.

I found Siddig’s real fruit water ice. Rightfully so, it held a consistent line through the middle of the park the whole time. I walked towards the front and grabbed the berry fusion sample. I saw the family completing orders as fast as they could to keep up with the line while one boy handed out free samples to keep their customers cool and patient with them. The Berry fusion ice blew me away with its sweetness and true to flavor berries. It brought me back to a time in middle school, where my siblings and cousins would attempt to create our own popsicles with ingredients we had laying around. Siddig’s, however, had perfected the art.

I made my way to the information tables. To my right a woman owned vegan makeup brand called Laws of Nature held a tent to try out their products and see their selection. Buttery products lined up on the table in an organized fashion was good enough to make me pull out my wallet. Further down the aisle there were resources to help Baltimore’s vegan pantry, City weeds, buying their wheat-free, dairy-free products. Getting to talk to progressives that are acting on their beliefs was inspiring. There are soldiers in this world that do good in the name of us and the earth.

As I crossed the open field I saw a big white tent. My curiosity got the best of me so I made my way over there cautiously. I’m known to go places where I have no business, but that’s the fun of life. I dodged the security and peeked through the heavy curtain. I figured it was a brand launch because of the banners that read PLANT BLISS. Around the corner someone was making burgers and that’s all it took for me to go in; Surely my invite got lost in the mail. A few others were in the tent with me socializing with one another making me soon realize anyone could come in. I did not do any great break in. So I did my rounds, said my hellos and made my way to the starter snacks. The tasting was dedicated to the launch of vegan spreads ranging from mayo, ranch, chipotle, and blue cheese paired with celery and carrots. Meeting the creator proved enlightening; he had transitioned from a teaching career to embrace a vegan market. All was very inspiring and with the made burgers + sauce, very impressive.

A visit to the recycling center unveiled a striking fact: it takes one cup of fossil fuels to nourish a meatless eater, compared to a gallon for a meat consumer. The ramifications of oil and harmful chemicals used to sustain a single meat eater echoed, originating from below and extending above. The team enlightened me to many ways to reduce or eliminate single use products such as using Laundry Detergent Eco sheets (the packaging is biodegradable). Also, My Organic Markets (MOM’s) refills products if you bring your own container because even recycling centers use fossil fuels.

In a tapestry of vibrant experiences, Baltimore Vegan SoulFest transcended its label, becoming a haven for connection, learning, and the shared pursuit of a more conscious world.

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