Higher-Protein Plant Milks

According to VRG’s Nutrition Advisor, Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, there are times when people’s protein needs are higher. For example, in pregnancy, the recommendation for protein is 25 grams higher than it is when someone is not pregnant. That’s an increase of about 50%. Older adults may have higher protein needs than younger adults. Athletes may have somewhat higher protein needs than non-athletes (1). It’s entirely possible to meet protein needs with a vegan diet. Sometimes, choosing a higher protein plant milk can help to meet protein needs.

We’ve identified some higher protein plant milks. Since plant milks are often also used as a source of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, we’ve included information about whether the milks we identified are fortified with these nutrients.

See the list of higher-protein plant milks here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2024issue2/2024_issue2_higher_protein.php

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