Quick and Easy Ideas for Cooking with Seitan

photo from Franklin Farms

Chef Nancy Berkoff shared ideas on how to prepare quick and easy seitan dishes in one of her previous Vegan Cooking Tips columns in Vegan Journal. Nancy mentioned, “Seitan is plant-based “meat” made from wheat gluten, unlike tofu or tempeh, which are both made from soybeans. Seitan is higher in protein than most other wheat products like bread and crackers, and is a good source of selenium and phosphorus. Seitan has a remarkably chewy texture and can withstand moist, high heat for searing, braising, and stewing beautifully. Next time you think about vegan burgers, meatballs, steaks, ribs, deli slices, or long-simmering pho or curries, think seitan.”

Read the entire column  here: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2024issue1/2024_issue1_cooking_tips.php

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