The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

VRG VIDEO CONTEST WINNER – Brocco Lee: The Vegetarian Superhero

Posted on October 07, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Tithi from New Jersey said: I have been a vegetarian my whole life, but only last year did I realize the biggest advantage vegetarians have: we can grow our own food. I started growing my food last year and have been actively involved in sharing my passion with friends and family alike. Now, they love it too! Vegetarianism and vegetarian food are often deemed as boring when that is simply not true; the benefits of vegetarianism exist not only for the animals that you save but also for you–from eating cleaner and saving money to getting to bond with your family while you can grow your own food. Here, I become “Brocco Lee” and show the power of vegetarianism. See her video at

See other videos here:

The deadline for The Vegetarian Resource Group’s next video contest is July 15, 2023. See:

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