Makani from Pennsylvania said: Ever since I was a child, I have always been extremely intrigued with the vegetarian lifestyle. Not only does this plant-based diet bring a multitude of health benefits, but it also is a more sustainable option. Vegetarian diets have the greatest reduction of land use and greenhouse gas emissions. Fishing, land use, and water usage to grow crops can all be decreased when more people consider a vegetarian diet. Pollution from livestock production largely comes from animal waste. This can run off into our waterways and harm aquatic wildlife and ecosystems. The fact that a simple shift in diet can not only improve human health, but also improve our earth is an amazing reason to consider vegetarianism. See her video, as well as other 2022 winning videos, at: https://www.vrg.org/veg_videos.php
The deadline for The Vegetarian Resource Group’s next video contest is July 15, 2023. See: https://www.vrg.org/videoscholarship.php