The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog


Posted on February 04, 2025 by The VRG Blog Editor

Russ Kaufman says: On Sunday we were in the Chiyoda-Marunouchi area of Tokyo. We went to a small typical Osaka-style Okonomiyaki (savory cabbage pancake) shop. Usually the only options in the past would be a seafood or meat option (or combination option—most popular are probably octopus or pork). Now it is common at these shops for an all-vegetable option on the menu. It’ s much easier than when I lived in Tokyo decades ago. Here’s the Tokyo Vegan Ramen Center.
The Tokyo vegan vegan and vegetarian restaurant guide should be helpful.

Another member Steve said:
When I was in Japan way back in October-November 1987, a useful trick was to say “Shai shoku shugi shaa desu,” which roughly means “I am a Buddhist vegetarian.” If I just told them that I was a vegetarian then they didn’t take it seriously, but the Buddhist part made them believe that I was committed for religious reasons and therefore they shouldn’t sneak in something.

From our former intern Hiroko from japan

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