Higher-Protein Plant Milks

According to VRG’s Nutrition Advisor, Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, there are times when people’s protein needs are higher. For example,…

The VRG Blog Editor

Vegan/Vegetarian Athlete’s Plate®: A Visual Guide Developed by the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD Eating a healthy diet offers benefits to athletes during training, performance, and recovery. A variety…

The VRG Blog Editor

Vegan Journal Review of Gear Hugger Lubricant and Degreaser

Each issue of Vegan Journal includes reviews of products we especially like. We recently tested and reviewed Gear Hugger’s Lubricant…

The VRG Blog Editor

Ancient Grains

photo by Linda Tyler In a past issue of Vegan Journal, Linda Tyler shares recipes based on ancient grains including…

The VRG Blog Editor

Kati: Vegan Thai Restaurant in Seattle

by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD Seattle features many vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants. It’s tempting, whenever I’m in town, to try…

The VRG Blog Editor

Mike’s Organic Curry Love Pastes Reviewed in Vegan Journal

Each issue of Vegan Journal includes reviews of products we especially like. We recently sampled Mike’s Organic Curry Love Pastes…

The VRG Blog Editor

Why I Love Writing Restaurant Profiles for VRG’s Online Guide

By Cheryl A. Van Beek, VRG volunteer Writing about restaurants that serve vegan fare to be added to VRG’s online…

The VRG Blog Editor


Past VRG scholarship winner Coda Spier won one of the most prestigious awards his culinary college offers. He said, Thank…

The VRG Blog Editor

The Cost of Beans vs. Meat

In 2023, The Vegetarian Resource Group reported a study that we conducted comparing the prices of meat-like veggie burgers and…

The VRG Blog Editor


Breyer's Ice Cream now has ice cream which they consider animal-free, based on precision fermentation. However, it is noted on…

The VRG Blog Editor