Vegan Restaurants Added to The Vegetarian Resource Group’s Guide to Veggie Restaurants in the USA and Canada

The Vegetarian Resource Group maintains an online Guide to Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurants in the USA and Canada. Here are some recent…

The VRG Blog Editor

Outstanding Foods Vegan Cheese Balls

Read our review of Outstanding Foods vegan cheese ball snacks that come in several flavors. These are yummy! See: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2024issue4/2024_issue4_veggie_bits.php…

The VRG Blog Editor

Please Give a Gift Subscription to Vegan Journal to Family and Friends this Holiday Season

Through December 31, 2024, you can give a gift membership to The Vegetarian Resource Group (includes a 1-year subscription to…

The VRG Blog Editor

Learn about Updates to the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program that Make It Easier to Follow a Vegan Diet

In the latest issue of Vegan Journal, Reed Mangels, PhD, RD discusses all the positive updates being made to the…

The VRG Blog Editor

Are You Searching for Last Minute Vegan Gravy Recipes?

Chef Nancy Berkoff has you covered! See: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2023issue1/2023_issue1_cooking_tips.php

The VRG Blog Editor

Your support through Combined Federal Charity (CFC) or your Local/State Campaign is greatly appreciated!

The Vegetarian Resource Group continues to be very busy on a daily basis. Below are some examples of successes and…

The VRG Blog Editor

Banana Peels into Food?

Want to try making banana peels into edible food? Try this recipe: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/don-t-waste-banana-peels-turn-them-into-tasty-vegan-pulled-pork?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us And here’s a banana peel taco recipe:…

The VRG Blog Editor

My Vegan Plate from The Vegetarian Resource Group

Nothing beats a simple graphic to get the vegan message out! The Vegetarian Resource Group created My Vegan Plate to…

The VRG Blog Editor

A Recent Study on Vegetarian Diets and Cardiovascular Disease

by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD There have been many studies of vegetarian diets and the risk of having cardiovascular disease…

The VRG Blog Editor

Report From VRG Intern Aashay Mody During Fall 2024

This past September, I began my role as a VRG intern, which gave me many opportunities to engage with diverse…

The VRG Blog Editor