Oatly, Vegan, and OU Dairy

We noticed that Oat-ly frozen dessert was labeled 100% vegan, but also was labeled OUD, which is a kosher certification…

The VRG Blog Editor


According to the Non GMO Project, USDA issued its approval, in the form of Grants of Inspection (GOIs), to the first…

The VRG Blog Editor

Enjoy a Variety of Stuffed Vegetables and Fruit

Chef John Beck offers recipes for stuffed veggies and fruit in a previous issue of Vegan Journal. Enjoy Deviled Potatoes;…

The VRG Blog Editor

My Vegan Plate from The Vegetarian Resource Group

Nothing beats a simple graphic to get the vegan message out! The Vegetarian Resource Group created My Vegan Plate to…

The VRG Blog Editor

Vegan Restaurants Added to The Vegetarian Resource Group’s Guide to Veggie Restaurants in the USA and Canada

The Vegetarian Resource Group maintains an online Guide to Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurants in the USA and Canada. Here are some recent…

The VRG Blog Editor

Upstate University Hospital Cafeteria in Syracuse, New York, Offers Vegan Options

A Vegetarian Resource Group member recently visited the Upstate University Hospital Cafeteria in Syracuse, New York and was excited to…

The VRG Blog Editor

Savory Pancakes

In the United States when people think of pancakes they often picture a pile of pancakes covered with maple syrup.…

The VRG Blog Editor

Eat an Apple and Some Broccoli and Call Me in the Morning: Produce Prescriptions Offer Health Benefits

By Reed Mangels, PhD, RD Did you ever imagine that your health care provider would give you a prescription that…

The VRG Blog Editor

Stock up on Vegan Halloween Treats

Are you looking for places to purchase vegan candy and other treats for Halloween? Here’s some online sources that sell…

The VRG Blog Editor

Need Pregnant Vegan/Vegetarian Women for Research Study Participants

East Carolina University is recruiting pregnant vegan and vegetarian women to participate in a research study that examines urine and…

The VRG Blog Editor