The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Lupii Snack Bars Reviewed in Vegan Journal

Posted on June 22, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Lupii snack bars are made from lupine beans. They are available in four flavors including Almond Butter Cinnamon Raisin, Cashew Ginger Pumpkin Seed, Peanut Butter Cacao Nib, and Tahini Lemon Cranberry. All varieties are vegan and gluten-free. Info on these bars can be found here:

Read the product review here:

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The Vegetarian Resource Group is Producing YouTube Videos

Posted on June 22, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

The latest issue of Vegan Journal includes an article describing the work that goes into producing VRG’s YouTube videos. The article can be read here:

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Joya Elixir Beverage Mixes Reviewed in Vegan Journal

Posted on June 21, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Joya’s Elixir Beverage Mixes are sophisticated and multi-use, and can step beyond your morning latte into other foods and recipes. The varieties include Bliss, which is cacao-based; Focus, which is a matcha tea-based mix; and Glow, which is turmeric-based. Info on these products can be found here:

Read the product review here:

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Summer Begins Today! Enjoy these Frozen Treats from Hannah Kaminsky

Posted on June 21, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Orange Dream Ice Cream Bars photo by Hannah Kaminsky

The Vegetarian Resource Group previously published a vegan recipe piece by cookbook author and photographer Hannah Kaminsky called “Keep Your Cool! Refreshing No-Bake Desserts.” Recipes include Peaches and Cream Icebox Cake, Orange Dream Ice Cream Bars, Raspberry White Chocolate Macaroons, Root Beer Float Pie, and Bananas Foster Crème Brûlée.

You can find the entire piece here:

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RioGood’s Gluten-Free Quick Mix Breads Reviewed in Vegan Journal

Posted on June 20, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Each issue of Vegan Journal includes a column called Veggie Bits where we review vegan products. In the latest issue we reviewed RioGood’s gluten-free quick mix breads inspired by Brazilian cheese bread. The mixes come in several flavors and replicate the gooey-cheesy inside and crusty outside of traditional cheese bread. For more info on this product visit

Read the product review here:

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Scientific Updates: Vegan Children; Bean Counting; and Gestational Diabetes

Posted on June 20, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Each issue of Vegan Journal includes a Scientific Update column by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD. Here we review recent scientific papers related to vegetarianism. In the recent issue we reviewed a paper published on the German VeChi Diet Study on children age one to three years. We also covered a paper on legumes being used in more products in Australian markets. Finally, we reviewed a paper that looked at a study of individuals eating a healthy diet based on plant foods (which was not a vegetarian diet but a diet that is higher in plant foods) and whether or not it could affect the chances of developing gestational diabetes.

Read the column here:

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Enter The Vegetarian Resource Group 2022 Video Contest!

Posted on June 17, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Create and submit a video relating what you want to tell others about veganism and/or vegetarianism.

Some possible topics: food, nutrition, your feelings about veganism and/or vegetarianism, water usage and vegetarianism, veganism and animal rights, or other veggie topics which appeal to you. Humor and feelings are appreciated. All videos should be positive, not be critical of anyone, and not include any footage of animal cruelty. You may submit a video you have already made.

Aspects of judging include accuracy and judges wanting to share the video with others. Entrants give permission to The Vegetarian Resource Group to post and share the video, to link to and from the video, and share the video with the media. Deadline to enter this year is July 15, 2022.

Details on the contest can be found here: VRG Video Contest

Baked Pasta Dishes to Prepare for Father’s Day

Posted on June 17, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Father’s Day is June 19th this year. Why not show your love by preparing a delicious baked pasta dish for your dad! Debra Daniels-Zeller’s previous Vegetarian Journal article “Make-Ahead Baked Pasta Delights” offers the following recipes:

Read the entire article here:

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Posted on June 16, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

In order to find out how many adult vegetarians and vegans there are in the United States, The Vegetarian Resource Group commissioned YouGov to ask the following question.

Which one, if any, of the following best describes your eating behavior? Please select the option that best applies.

1) I never eat meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy, or eggs

2) I never eat meat, fish, seafood, or poultry

3) I usually eat meals without meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy, or eggs

4) I usually eat meals without meat, fish, seafood, or poultry

5) I sometimes eat meals without meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy, or eggs

6) I sometimes eat meals without meat, fish, seafood, or poultry

7) None of these

We classified those that never eat meat, fish, seafood, poultry, dairy, or eggs as vegan. Vegetarians include vegans, plus those that never eat meat, fish seafood, or poultry

See rest of article at

Scientific Updates: Octopuses, Squid, Crabs, Lobsters, and Shrimp are Sentient Beings and Eat Your Vegetables!

Posted on June 16, 2022 by The VRG Blog Editor

Each issue of Vegan Journal includes a Scientific Update column by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD. Here we review recent scientific papers related to vegetarianism. In the latest issue we covered a paper describing the importance of getting infants and toddlers to eat a variety of vegetables. Another research paper we reviewed shared the news that in the United Kingdom “all cephalopod mollusks and decapod crustaceans should be regarded as sentient animals for the purposes of UK animal welfare law.” Sentience is described as the capacity to have feelings including feelings of pain, harm, and/or distress.

Read the column here:

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