The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Mexican Fusion Vegan Cuisine

Posted on February 01, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Mexican-Inspired Spaghetti photo by Rissa Miller

Chef Roberto Carlos Perez shares a number of Mexican Fusion dishes in his Vegan Journal article. Enjoy Mexican-American Breakfast, No-Lomo Salteado Vegan Burritos, Mexican-Inspired Spaghetti, Fettuccine Roberto, and Al Pastor Cheeseless-Steak Sandwiches. See:

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Posted on January 31, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Come visit The Vegetarian Resource Group/Vegan Journal booth at the Rhode Island VegFest on Saturday and Sunday, February 3 and 4, 2024, 12 PM to 5 PM. VIP tickets available for 11 AM admittance. Location is WaterFire Arts Center in Providence. For details, go to

All Kinds of Rice Dishes

Posted on January 31, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Spanakorizo photo by Rissa Miller

Have you ever noticed how many different types of rice there are? Chef Nancy Berkoff’s article The Long and Short of It – Meet Red, Black, Green, Gold, and Purple Rice! explains what the differences are and how to prepare vegan dishes using a variety of rice. Enjoy Sofrito with Carolina Gold Rice; Spanakorizo; Walnut & Wild Rice Salad; Cashew Coconut Purple Rice; Green Herbed Pilaf; Mango Sticky Rice; and Red Rice Pilaf.

Find the entire article here:

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Posted on January 30, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Vegan Journal is published by The Vegetarian Resource Group. Enjoy in-depth original research, product and book reviews, scientific updates on veggie nutrition, delicious vegan recipes with gorgeous photos, plus so much more. Both long-term vegans and those new to a vegan life-style will enjoy this magazine.

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Precision Fermentation: When Is It Vegan?

Posted on January 30, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

photo from the Good Food Institute

By Jeanne Yacoubou, MS

One of the latest trends in biotechnology is creating animal proteins, such as whey, casein, collagen, albumin, ovomucoid, heme, or lactoferrin from microbes. Often calling them vegan ingredients, several companies say their inventions can be used to make animal-free or cow-less milk, cheese, or a growing number of other foods and beverages. But will all consumers consider them vegan? To answer that, we need to look closely at their precision fermentation process.

What Is Precision Fermentation?

Precision fermentation is a high-tech version of the centuries-old process known simply as fermentation. It may also be called recombinant protein production although fats and carbohydrates (honey) can be made through this process, too. Precision fermentation is a type of synthetic biology or simply synbio. Genetic engineering is involved in precision fermentation.

In 2022, the global market size of precision fermentation was $1.93 billion. By 2032, it’s estimated to reach $63.85 billion.

Food, flavorings, and pharmaceuticals can be manufactured via precision fermentation. Meaty, fishy, or umami flavors are typical flavorings produced by this technique. Some examples of pharmaceuticals made by precision fermentation include: insulin, antibiotics, certain vaccines, and vitamins.

Traditionally, in fermentation to make wine or beer, for example, you add microorganisms to convert the sugars in grapes or grain into ethanol. Fermentation is used to make several other foods and beverages including pickles, tempeh, sourdough bread, or kombucha.

Precision fermentation also uses microbes to produce foods and beverages but with an added component: copies of genes, often from animals. Microorganisms used in precision fermentation could be yeast, algae, fungi, or bacteria. Animal-derived genes are permanently bioengineered into the microbes’ genetic code. What happens then?

As the microbes ferment a nutrient broth, they precisely churn out – like miniature factories – huge quantities of whatever the animal-derived genes direct them to produce

So is the manufactured whey made by microbes following the genetic instructions truly animal-free or cow-less? Looking back at the first time precision fermentation was ever used in food production helps give perspective.

Fermentation Produced Chymosin (FPC) Using Animal Genes

As The VRG reported in 2012, the first time genetic engineering via precision fermentation was used in the food industry was to produce chymosin, the active component of rennet, in 1990. Chymosin is the dairy enzyme that curdles milk during cheese production.

Employees of major enzyme manufacturers told us that decades ago, cells were taken from a live calf’s stomach lining. From those cells, the genetic blueprint for chymosin was isolated. That genetic code was inserted into a microbial genome (full set of a microbe’s genes). Since then, it has been reproduced by countless generations of microorganisms, all producing chymosin coded for by that genetic sequence via precision fermentation.

Cheese companies call and label cheese made with bovine gene-derived FPC both vegetarian and non-GMO. There may be disagreement with calling it either vegetarian or non-GMO as explained in our 2012 and 2021 articles.

The justification for this disagreement relies upon the fact that the animal’s genes involved in producing chymosin are essential to the animal’s existence. They are what makes her a calf. But not just any calf. They are her unique set. Without her genes, the calf would not be alive.

Genes are not like milk (a cow’s secretion that is not essential to her existence). If the calf’s genes were like milk, then maybe bovine gene-derived FPC cheese would more likely be vegetarian. Similarly, if one microbial species’ gene was inserted into another microbial species’ genome to produce microbial gene-derived chymosin, certainly the cheese produced from that chymosin would be vegetarian. Incidentally, there are companies that make this type of microbial gene-derived FPC. But bovine-derived FPC is the most common type on the market.

While it is true that a person does not eat bovine genes or the enzyme made by the bioengineered microbes when eating cheese since 90-95% of chymosin remains in the liquid whey (a byproduct of cheese production) and the microbes possessing the genes have been removed from the final cheese product, bovine genes are still used in the process of cheese production. In this sense, bovine genes are like an animal-derived processing aid. By definition, the use of a processing aid sourced from animals to make a food means that food is not vegetarian or vegan.

Cow’s Milk Allergy from Animal-Free Whey

You may think that if the bovine gene-derived whey was called “non-animal” or “animal-free” whey, people with cow’s milk allergies would not have an allergic reaction to it. But in reality they may.

For example, the company Perfect Day states on its website: “People with a milk allergy can still have an allergic reaction to animal-free whey protein and should avoid it just as they would avoid cow’s milk.”

So, there is something about all forms of whey that is allergenic, no matter if it’s produced in a fermentation vat or comes straight out of a cow. That “something” is obviously connected to it coming from a cow. It may be confusing, then, to refer to bioengineered whey by the term cow-free.

The name “non-animal whey protein” suggests the bioengineered whey is different from cow’s whey, potentially leading people to think it would not cause an allergic reaction. This is an assumption that could be problematic for some people.

Precision Fermentation Using Plant Genes

You may be wondering if anyone has tried precision fermentation using plant genes. The resulting genetically engineered ingredients would be vegan. There are companies innovating with precision fermentation in this way. They focus on whey and casein, the two animal proteins most commonly manufactured by precision fermentation.

Note: The VRG reached out to the companies profiled here through email and phone twice over a month’s time. We wanted to confirm that they use no animal genes at all in their precision fermentation. Neither responded. We asked them:

  1. Are there any animal proteins in your protein database used to create your ingredients?
  2. Do you use any virtual animal genetic material to direct the microbial fermentation used to create your ingredients?


Using machine learning and bioinformatics, Shiru searches through vast databases of plant proteins to find those possessing desirable characteristics that food companies want. Properties that eggs have are a prime example. Egg’’ ability to gel (gelation), like in jelly, or foam like in meringue, are highly prized in cooking.

Shiru says, “Our database contains hundreds of millions of proteins from plants, fungi, and algae.” Once Shiru locates a plant protein(s) possessing the desired trait, they take the genes coding for them and insert them into a microbial genome. During fermentation, the microbes produce an abundance of those proteins.

The major advantage this production method has over traditional methods of growing plants is that it’s easily scalable, and, therefore, economically viable. In most cases, plants only have a small amount of a desired protein, so it could take years or vast land areas to harvest the same amount of protein that precision fermentation could yield in a day. Traditional farming costs a lot more, too.

Shiru has partnered with Puratos to scale up their ingredients to make egg replacers, test them in baked goods, and finally commercialize the top-performing ones. Along with CP Kelco, they’re collaborating to replace methylcellulose with plant proteins that function like a fat at room temperature. Methylcellulose is used as a gelling agent and emulsifier in many foods including meat alternatives.

Currently, methylcellulose is sourced from wood and processed using harsh methods, thus may not be appealing to shoppers. So companies want to replace it with something that is plant-sourced to avoid having to list methylcellulose on their package label.

Shiru is also working on finding plant proteins with functional qualities similar to those of gelatin and casein. Then they’d sell them to companies that would like to find replacements for these ingredients.

Climax Foods

Climax Foods’ Caseed is a casein replacement which mimics the meltability and stretchability of dairy cheese. Created through “precision formulation” using plant genes selected with AI, it appears there is nothing animal involved in it.

It’s not totally clear whether Climax Foods uses precision fermentation to produce Caseed. They did not respond to us. According to their press release, they use a “deep plant intelligence platform” searching its proprietary database of non-allergenic proteins found in seeds, legumes, and plant oils for those functionally equivalent to animal and dairy proteins.

In other words, according to Climax Foods, the taste, texture, and performance of Climax Foods’ cheeses are indistinguishable from dairy cheeses as well as from cheeses made using animal genes via precision fermentation. They are different from their dairy-based counterparts in that they do not share a genetic sequence similarity to dairy-based casein. So, Climax Foods’ cheeses are non-allergenic.

The targeted proteins are extracted from the plants and scaled. Thus far, precision-formulated Caseed is cheaper than cheeses made with animal genes. The goal is to make products made with Caseed less expensive than dairy.

In April 2023, Climax Foods announced a partnership with the Bel Group to create a vegan line of Bel cheeses.

Are There Any Advantages to Precision Fermentation?

By using precision fermentation to produce food, proponents hope to eliminate all the problems associated with intensive animal agriculture including:

  • High or fluctuating food prices
  • Food-borne illnesses
  • Risk of pandemics via animal vectors
  • Huge environmental footprints (carbon, water)
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Deforestation
  • Animal pain and suffering
  • Poor nutritional quality

Critics of precision fermentation raise several points against this form of “synbio”:

  • Culture media will use the GMO corn and soy currently used as food for livestock. Both crops are treated heavily with pesticides.
  • There will be huge quantities of waste (spent microbes, media) with no apparent use produced by this technique.
  • On a large scale, the concrete, steel, and plastic needed to construct the fermentation vats and the electricity needed to run them have environmental footprints that will likely rival those of conventional animal agriculture.
  • Even if there are fewer carbon emissions and decreased water usage from precision fermentation vs. conventional animal agriculture, other food production systems, such as regenerative agriculture or agrocology, may have greater long-term sustainability.

Recommendations on Knowing if Precision Fermentation Used

For those that don’t want products using precision fermentation, unfortunately, you cannot necessarily tell by looking at a food product whether precision fermentation was used to make it. Labels may not be clear.

Food and beverages certified USDA Organic have not been produced using precision fermentation.

For all other foods, you must rely on companies to tell you how their food was produced. Company websites will likely not explicitly describe how all the ingredients in their foods came to be. So, you must contact them. Be clear in how you phrase your question. Keep it simple.

Here is a question template you may use:

Was the [ingredient] in your [food product] made by microbes engineered with animal genes?

If you cannot get an answer, or are unsure of its veracity, you can look for a similar product from a company that is totally transparent about how its ingredients are made.

The contents of this posting, our website and our other publications, including Vegetarian Journal and Vegan Journal, are not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional. We often depend on product and ingredient information from company statements. It is impossible to be 100% sure about a statement, info can change, people have different views, and mistakes can be made. Please use your best judgment about whether a product is suitable for you. To be sure, do further research or confirmation on your own. Note that products, processes, and regulations continually change.

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The Vegetarian Resource Group’s $30,000 Scholarship Program for Graduating High School Seniors in the USA

Posted on January 29, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Thank you to more generous donors, in 2024 The Vegetarian Resource Group will be awarding $30,000 in college scholarships! Deadline is FEBRUARY 20, 2024.

We will accept applications postmarked on or before FEBRUARY 20, 2024. Early submission is encouraged.

Applicants will be judged on having shown compassion, courage, and a strong commitment to promoting a peaceful world through a vegetarian (vegan) diet/lifestyle. Payment will be made to the student’s college (U.S. based only). Winners of the scholarships give permission to release their names to the media. Applications and essays become property of The Vegetarian Resource Group. We may ask finalists for more information. Scholarship winners are contacted by e-mail or telephone. Please look at your e-mail.

If you would like to donate to additional scholarships or internships, go to


Please click here to download a PDF of the application. However, applicants are not required to use an application form. A neatly typed document containing the information below will also be accepted as a valid application.

Please send application and attachments to [email protected] (Scholarship application and your name in subject line) or mail to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.

If emailing, please put your essay in a separate attachment with your first name and last initial. A PDF or Word document is preferred, but if you send a Google document, make sure permission is given so readers can access it. For more information call (410) 366-8343 or email [email protected].

Cooking with Jackfruit

Posted on January 29, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Curry Jackfruit Stew photo by Rissa Miller

Ever wonder what to do with jackfruit? Vegan Journal’s Former Senior Editor Rissa Miller wrote a creative recipe piece highlighting dishes made from jackfruit. Enjoy these recipes: Spiced Breakfast Bars; BBQ Jackfruit and Biscuit Casserole; Sweet and Tangy Jackfruit Meatless Balls; Curry Jackfruit Stew; French Dip Sandwiches; Italian Herb Stuffed Peppers; and Orange Cherry Jackfruit Cake with Pudding Layer.

Read the entire article here: You Don’t Know Jack

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Review of Korny Vibes in Houston, Texas

Posted on January 26, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Loaded Cheese Fries photo from Korny Vibes

By Sundari Maharajh, VRG Intern

Nestled in the heart of Houston, Texas, Korny Vibes caught our attention with the bold “Vegan Cafe” sign atop the restaurant. The interior, with its clean white decor, provided a pleasant atmosphere as my friend and I took a look at the menu.

The menu at Korny Vibes is a haven for those craving vegan alternatives to familiar favorites. From burgers to nachos, the options are diverse. I opted for the “Loaded Cheese Fries,” which are topped with Chick’n (the plant based meat alternative used by Korny Vibes), queso sauce, lettuce, and pico de gallo. The fresh taste of the lettuce and pico struck a perfect balance with the queso and Chik’n. The vegan queso was so convincingly authentic that I almost forgot it was vegan! My friend, who is not vegan or vegetarian, ordered the 4-piece basket of vegan chicken tenders. They were served with fries and a sauce similar to the Raising Cane’s sauce.

My non-veggie friend was impressed with the taste of the Chick’n and said, “It doesn’t even taste vegan.” I also tried a piece of her tender and found that the crispy and delicious exterior lived up to the promise.

They had plenty of great seating options in the interior, however, we chose to enjoy the weather and dine outside. Our food arrived quickly which added to our positive experience. The cheese fries ended up being my personal highlight with the intricate blend of flavors. Korny Vibes successfully managed to capture the essence of non-vegan favorites without compromising taste.

Overall, Korny Vibes successfully delivers a satisfying experience for both vegans and non-vegans alike. With its delicious replication of non-vegan favorites and a welcoming ambiance, it’s a great spot for those exploring plant-based food in Houston.

See their menu for yourself at:

For information about other places to eat vegan, go to

Vegan Baked Goods Using Aquafaba (Chickpea Liquid)

Posted on January 26, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Basic Meringue Cookies

Perhaps you’ve heard about Aquafaba. The liquid you’ve been draining from your beans all these years is actually surprisingly similar to raw egg whites and can be used for baking in much the same way. The liquid can be baked, whipped to make meringue, turned into marshmallows, or used to create uncanny cheese substitutes.

Laura McGuiness shares her experience baking with aquafaba in a past issue of Vegan Journal. She explains, “Aquafaba is still largely a mystery, even to scientists. The proteins and starches in the bean juice appear to mimic the proteins in egg whites, but the exact science leaves something to be desired. What we do know from an analysis by The Norwegian Food Research Institute is that aquafaba is mainly composed of starch and proteins. Because of the high starch content, aquafaba is able to form stable gels, which may aid in its ability to emulate egg whites.”

You’ll find the following recipes in this article along with photos of some of the baked items:
Basic Meringue Cookies
Baked Alaska
Lemon Apocalypse Pie
Chocolate Mousse
Walnut Fudge
Lemon Dacquoise

The article can be found here: Aquafabulous

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Posted on January 25, 2024 by The VRG Blog Editor

Come visit The Vegetarian Resource Group/Vegan Journal booth at the Rhode Island VegFest on Saturday and Sunday, February 3 and 4, 2024, 12 PM to 5 PM. VIP tickets available for 11 AM admittance.
Location is WaterFire Arts Center in Providence.
For details, go to

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