The Vegetarian Resource Group Blog

Thinking About Copper

Posted on April 18, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

By Reed Mangels, PhD, RD

You may think of copper as what a penny is made of. Actually, only 2.5% of today’s penny is copper and the rest is zinc but originally, pennies were entirely copper. In addition to its role in U.S. coinage, copper is an essential mineral for human health. We need to get it from food and/or supplements in order to stay healthy. Copper has many roles in our bodies including helping enzymes work properly, supporting the immune and nervous systems, iron metabolism, and activating genes.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for copper is:

Birth to 12 months: 200 micrograms/day (this is the Adequate Intake rather than the RDA)

7-12 months: 220 micrograms/day (this is the Adequate Intake rather than the RDA)

1-3 years: 340 micrograms/day

4-8 years: 440 micrograms per day

9-13 years: 700 micrograms/day

14-18 years: 890 micrograms/day

19 years and older: 900 micrograms/day

Pregnancy: 1000 micrograms/day

Lactation: 1300 micrograms/day

Many whole plant foods supply us with copper.

10 Good Sources of Copper for Vegans

  1. Shiitake mushrooms, cooked – 650 micrograms of copper in ½ cup
  2. Cashews, roasted – 629 micrograms of copper in 1 ounce
  3. Dark chocolate – 500 micrograms of copper in 1 ounce
  4. Tahini – 480 micrograms of copper in 2 Tablespoons
  5. Tempeh – 460 micrograms of copper in ½ cup
  6. Soybeans, cooked – 360 micrograms of copper in ½ cup
  7. Sunflower seeds – 330 micrograms of copper in 2 Tablespoons
  8. Chickpeas, cooked – 320 micrograms of copper in ½ cup
  9. Almond butter – 290 micrograms of copper in 2 Tablespoons
  10. Firm tofu – 270 micrograms of copper in ½ cup

5 Facts About Copper

  1. Almost two-thirds of the copper in our body is found in our bones and muscles.
  2. The main determinant of how much copper is absorbed is the amount of copper in the diet. A lower percentage of copper is absorbed when one’s diet is high in copper; as much as 75% of copper is absorbed when one’s diet is well below the RDA (1, 2).
  3. Vegans typically consume more copper than nonvegetarians (3).
  4. In the United States, copper intakes are typically at or above recommendations.
  5. Copper deficiency is uncommon in humans.


  1. Turnlund JR, Keyes WR, Anderson HL, Acord LL. Copper absorption and retention in young men at three levels of dietary copper by use of the stable isotope 65Cu. Am J Clin Nutr. 1989;49:870–878.
  2. Turnlund JR, Keyes WR, Peiffer GL, Scott KC. Copper absorption, excretion, and retention by young men consuming low dietary copper determined by using the stable isotope 65Cu. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998;67:1219–1225.
  3. Mangels R, Messina V, Messina M. The Dietitian’s Guide to Vegetarian Diets, 4th ed; Jones & Bartlett: Sudbury, MA; 2021

To read more about copper see:

Copper Fact Sheet for Consumers (from National Institutes of Health; contains nonvegan sources of copper)

Copper and Vegetarians

Vegan Chocolate

The Vegetarian Resource Group Testimony Submitted to USDA On Proposed Revisions to Child Nutrition Programs (including school lunch)

Posted on April 17, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

April 1, 2023

The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed revisions to Child Nutrition Programs. We appreciate USDA’s commitment to the health of children. Access to high-quality, nutritious meals in schools and childcare settings is very important since these meals often represent a significant portion of children’s food intake. The continued improvement of nutrition standards for Child Nutrition Programs can lead to a reduction in children’s risk for diet-related diseases. We also appreciate USDA’s acknowledgement of cultural food preferences.

VRG is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues of health, nutrition, environment, ethics, and world hunger. Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with businesses and individuals to bring about healthy changes in schools, workplaces, and the community. Registered dietitians and physicians aid in the development of nutrition-related publications and answer questions about the vegetarian and vegan diet. For the past 29 years, we have commissioned polls exploring vegetarian-related issues, results of which are often used by researchers, the food industry, and the media. Financial support comes primarily from memberships, contributions, and book sales.

As the number of young vegans and other vegetarians in the United States increases (1,2), the inclusion of foods acceptable to vegans and other vegetarians in Child Nutrition Programs becomes even more important. Our most recent survey of 8 to 17-year olds in the U.S. found that 5% were vegetarian (including vegans) and never ate meat, fish, seafood, or poultry (1). The same survey found that 2% of this age group were vegan (never ate meat, fish, poultry, dairy, or eggs) (1). In addition, 21% of children and adolescents in the U.S. sometimes or always eat vegan meals when eating out; 53% sometimes or always eat vegetarian (including vegan) meals when eating out (1). Child Nutrition Programs should be able to meet the needs of vegan and vegetarian children and adolescents.

We believe that the proposed changes, with modifications as noted below, when implemented, will strengthen Child Nutrition Programs and increase their ability to meet the needs of participants.


The requirements of the current fluid milk substitutes process are burdensome to families and to students who do not want to or cannot drink dairy milk. We acknowledge that some of these are statutory requirements and that USDA cannot alter these requirements. We urge the USDA to consider creative solutions that would allow plant-based milks to be available to more children. These products allow vegans and others who avoid dairy products for reasons including milk allergy, lactose intolerance, and cultural preference to have access to acceptable products that provide nutritional benefits. Perhaps parents and guardians could be permitted to petition their children’s school district for greater access to plant-based milks. If a specified percentage of parents or guardians (say 5%) sign this petition, a plant-based milk that meets nutrient requirements would be offered as a choice to all children.

We question the need for a written request by a medical authority or the student’s parent or legal guardian for a fluid milk substitute. This additional step is unnecessary since plant-based milks used to replace dairy milk are required to be fortified with nutrients in amounts similar to dairy milk and are, for practical purposes, nutritionally similar. Requiring medical documentation adds an unnecessary expense and may potentially deter those who would benefit from access to non-dairy products from choosing this option. This could lead to their missing out on important nutrients.

In addition, not all parents or guardians are knowledgeable about nutrition. . Requiring a parent or guardian’s request for children avoiding dairy products could mean that some children would not have access to a nutritious alternative to dairy milk because the children would not consume the dairy product and would be unable to have access to the non-dairy alternative without their parent’s or guardian’s permission

We support the use of an added sugar limit for fluid milk substitutes. This would be consistent with the public health message to limit added sugars. Since flavored plant milks are available which contain little or no added sugar, we support the continued inclusion of both flavored and unflavored plant milk provided the proposed requirements for added sugars for dairy milk are met.

Nuts and seeds crediting

We support USDA’s proposal to allow nuts and seeds to credit for the full meat/meat alternate (or protein source) component in all child nutrition programs and meals. This change will make the requirements consistent among programs and will eliminate the inconsistent crediting of nuts and seeds compared to nut butters and seed butters. Allowing nuts and seeds to credit for the full protein source component in all child nutrition programs and meals will allow program operators to have greater flexibility in menu planning.


Hummus is a versatile food that can be used in sandwiches, salads, and as a dip for vegetables and crackers. Thus, having hummus available can encourage consumption of fresh vegetables and whole grain products. Hummus is widely available in supermarkets today; this is evidence of its popularity. Hummus is an especially healthy and easy snack for busy youth. We support the proposal to add hummus to the list of foods exempt from the total fat standard in the competitive food, or Smart Snack, regulations. Allowing hummus to be included as a Smart Snack increases options for vegans, vegetarians, several ethnic groups, and a large section of the general population and adds greater flexibility to this program.

We were uncertain whether all of the ingredients listed in the definition for hummus [a spread made from ground pulses (beans, peas, and lentils), and ground nut/seed butter (such as tahini [ground sesame], peanut butter, etc.) mixed with a vegetable oil (such as olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, etc.), seasoning (such as salt, citric acid, etc.), vegetables and juice for flavor (such as olives, roasted pepper, garlic, lemon juice, etc.)] were required. Hummus can be made without vegetable oil or vegetables and juice. We propose indicating that these are not required ingredients.

Beans and peas

There are many reasons to promote the consumption of cooked dry beans, peas, and lentils. They have a high nutrient content and are good sources of protein, fiber, iron, zinc, thiamin, folate, and other vitamins and minerals. Greater consumption of legumes is associated with a lower risk of heart disease (3), lower blood pressure (4), reduced LDL-cholesterol levels (5), and lower risk of type 2 diabetes (6). Promotion of dry beans, peas, and lentils in childhood may increase the likelihood that these foods will continue to be eaten in adulthood and thereby will reduce the risk of several chronic diet-related diseases.

In order to promote greater use of dry beans, peas, and lentils, we propose that the requirement that cooked dry beans, peas, and lentils may be counted as either a vegetable or as a protein source but not as both in the same meal be removed. This will allow for greater flexibility in menu planning and allow programs that want to offer dry beans, peas, and lentils daily as a protein source to do so without also having to have a dried bean vegetable dish once a week at those meals. We suggest that schools be encouraged to use more dry beans, peas, and lentils as a protein source, because of the nutritional benefits of this food group and because of its use in traditional dishes from cuisines ranging from Latin American, to African, Middle Eastern, and Asian.

Guidance documents have been issued that indicate that tofu and other soy products as well as dry beans, peas, and lentils cannot be served in forms that are not visually recognizable such as being incorporated into drinks, such as smoothies, or baked desserts (7,8). This is problematic because this guidance limits the use of these nutritious products. Requirements have been eased so that pasta made of vegetable flour(s) can be credited as a vegetable, even if the pasta is not served with another recognizable vegetable (9). It only seems logical that pureed tofu in a smoothie or sauce or baked good made with cooked dry beans should be able to be credited as protein sources. Signage could be used to indicate that products contain tofu/other soy products/dry beans, peas, or lentils.

Currently, protein-dense foods including seitan and quinoa are not included as allowed protein sources in Child Nutrition Programs. The addition of these products would allow for greater variety and flexibility in menu planning as well as introducing children to additional healthy alternatives to meat.

Infant meal pattern

We question the limited options for infants age 6-11 months in the Infant Lunch Meal Pattern (Table 8). The addition of tofu and soy products would be consistent with the inclusion of tofu and soy products in the protein sources component for older age groups, would provide more variety for vegan/vegetarian infants, and would increase flexibility in meal planning. In addition, infants would be introduced to these products which are approved for use by toddlers and older children, thus potentially improving acceptance.

Vegan options

Vegan meals are becoming increasingly popular among children and adolescents. They are often less expensive to produce, offer significant health benefits, and are more environmentally sustainable than non-vegan meals (10-12). We encourage Child Nutrition Programs to increase the availability of vegan meals, to provide training that allows facilities to prepare more vegan meals, and to educate staff, families and children about the benefits of these meals.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes.


  1. Stahler C, Mangels R. How many youth in the U.S are vegan? How many teens eat vegetarian when eating out? The Vegetarian Resource Group. 2021.
  2. Vegetarian Resource Group conducts Roper Poll on eating habits of youths. The Vegetarian Resource Group. 1995.
  3. Bazzano LA, He J, Ogden LG, et al. Legume consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in US men and women: NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:2573-2578.
  4. Jayalath VH, de Souza RJ, Sievenpiper JL, et al. Effect of dietary pulses on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials. Am J Hypertens. 2014;27:56-64.
  5. Mullins AP, Arjmandi BH. Health benefits of plant-based nutrition: Focus on beans in cardiometabolic diseases. Nutrients. 2021;13:519.
  6. Becerra-Tomás N, Díaz-López A, Rosique-Esteban N, et al. Legume consumption is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes incidence in adults: A prospective assessment from the PREDIMED study. Clin Nutr. 2018;37:906-913.
  7. SP53 CACFP21-2016. Policy memo. Crediting tofu and soy yogurt products in the School Meal Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program. USDA. 2016.
  8. SP 05-2022. Meal Requirements Under the National School Lunch Center and School Breakfast Program: Questions and Answers for Program Operators Updated to Support the Transitional Standards
    for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Effective July 1, 2022. USDA. 2022.
  9. SP26 CACFP13 SFSP12-2019. Crediting Pasta Products Made of Vegetable Flour in the Child Nutrition Programs. USDA. 2019.
  10. Jennings R, Henderson AD, Phelps A, Janda KM, van den Berg AE. Five U.S. dietary patterns and their relationship to land use, water use, and greenhouse gas emissions: Implications for future food security. Nutrients. 2023;15(1):215. Published 2023 Jan 1. doi:10.3390/nu15010215
  11. Springmann M, Wiebe K, Mason-D’Croz D, Sulser TB, Rayner M, Scarborough P. Health and nutritional aspects of sustainable diet strategies and their association with environmental impacts: a global modelling analysis with country-level detail. Lancet Planet Health. 2018;2(10):e451-e461. doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30206-7
  12. Watts N, Amann M, Arnell N, et al. The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crises. Lancet. 2021;397(10269):129-170. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32290-X

South Indian Vegan Recipes

Posted on April 17, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

Dosa and Sambar

Former VRG intern Julia Mathew shares vegan South Indian recipes that were passed down through generations and are finally in written form for everyone to enjoy! Try Kerala Parippu Curry (South Indian Lentil and Coconut Dish), Sambar and Dosa (South Indian Lentil and Vegetable Stew with a Sourdough Crepe), Masala Dosa (South Indian Potato and Vegetable-Filled Crepes), Thenga Chammanthi (South Indian Coconut Chutney), and Cherupayar Ularthiyathu (Kerala Mung Bean Stir-Fry).

The article can be found here:

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What is Nutritional Yeast and How to Prepare Dishes with It

Posted on April 14, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

Do you know exactly what nutritional yeast is? An article by Reed Mangels PhD, RD, and Debra Wasserman in a previous issue of Vegan Journal answers this question and also provides the following vegan recipes containing nutritional yeast:
Lemon Rice Soup
Tempeh Mushroom Casserole
Mushroom Gravy
Tofu Pimento Spread
Spicy Nacho “Cheese” Dip
Tofu Dip
Baked Lima Beans

Read the article here:

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Kale Salads

Posted on April 14, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

Kale Tabbouleh photo by Linda Tyler

Linda Tyler’s previous article published by VRG features Kale Salads. These recipes will inspire you to eat your greens! Find recipes for:

Thai-Inspired Coconut Kale Salad

Kale Tabbouleh

Pear Balsamic Salad with Candied Walnuts

Apple and Kale Salad with Curry Dressing

Kale Salad with Creamy Avocado Dressing

Rainbow Kale and Grain Salad

Read the entire article here:

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Here’s Some Creative Vegan Potato Recipes

Posted on April 13, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

A while back Chef Nancy Berkoff shared some creative potato recipes in Vegan Journal. Enjoy Leak and Potato Soup; Potato Biscuits; Potato Filling (for pasta, blintzes, and croquettes); Potato-Bread Stuffing; Sweet Potato Flan; and Sweet Potato Slaw.

Find the article here:

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Where You Can Purchase Vegan Sandals Online Worldwide

Posted on April 13, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

photo from Mooshoes

Warm weather has arrived in many parts of the world and you may need a new pair of vegan sandals. Here are online shops selling a wide variety of vegan sandals from various countries:


BC Footwear: American company selling women’s sandals.

Bhava Studio: American company offering women’s sandals.

Matt & Natt: American company selling women’s sandals. Shipped to several countries.

Mooshoes: American company selling women’s and men’s sandals.

Okabashi: American company selling sandals for women and men.

Third Oak: American company offering women’s sandals.

Vegan Chic: American company selling women’s and men’s sandals.


Avesu: German company that offers world-wide shipping on sandals for women and men.

photo from BioWorld

BioWorld: Company from Spain that offers men’s and women’s sandals.

photo from Freerangers

Freerangers: British company selling women’s and men’s sandals.

 Green Laces: Swedish shop offering men’s and women’s sandals.

Vegetarian Shoes: British company selling men’s and women’s sandals.

 Will’s Vegan Store: Company from the UK selling women’s and men’s sandals. Can be shipped globally.


Native Shoes: Canadian company selling sandals for women, men, and children.


Holster Australia: Australian company offering sandals for women. Will ship to USA.

 South America

Insecta: Brazilian company that offers women’s sandals.

Subscribe to Vegan Journal Today!

Posted on April 12, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

Vegan Journal is published by The Vegetarian Resource Group. Enjoy in-depth original research, product and book reviews, scientific updates on veggie nutrition, delicious vegan recipes with gorgeous photos, plus so much more. Both long-term vegans and those new to a vegan life-style will enjoy this magazine.

To subscribe in the USA only, see:

Try Chickpea Egg Bites!

Posted on April 12, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

Chickpea Egg Bites photo by Hannah Kaminsky

Hannah Kaminsky’s recent article Time for Tea that appeared in Vegan Journal features a recipe for Chickpea Egg Bites. These are delicious and the recipe can be found here:

To subscribe to Vegan Journal in the USA, go to

Vegan Restaurants Added to The Vegetarian Resource Group’s Guide to Veggie Restaurants in the USA and Canada

Posted on April 11, 2023 by The VRG Blog Editor

photo of Turkish Flatbread Pizza from Anixi

The Vegetarian Resource Group maintains an online Guide to Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurants in the USA and Canada. Here are some recent vegan restaurant additions. The entire guide can be found here:

To support the updating of this online restaurant guide, please donate at:

Here are some new additions to VRG’s guide:

Anixi, 290 8th Ave., New York, NY 10001

If there has ever been a restaurant made to fit the needs of every possible dining party, it must be Anixi. Meaning “Spring” in Greek, Anixi offers a menu of fresh, beautiful dishes that are not only vegan but also kosher and in many cases gluten-free as well. Even non-vegans will be impressed with dishes like the Arak Cured “Salmon” with sumac, labneh, harissa, and caper berries, or the “Beef” Dolmas served with basmati rice, labneh, apricots, and saffron. The pizza-lover in the group can nosh on one of the Turkish flatbread pizzas—such as the Fire Roasted Eggplant whose toppings include tomato marmalade and pomegranate molasses. The bar menu is 4 pages long, and includes kosher wines as well as exotic cocktails such as the Smoky Sumac (tequila, mezcal, and Campari with grapefruit juice, lime, sumac simple syrup, and mint). And no one will be able to pass on dessert—not with offerings like the Medjool Date Cake or the selection of ice cream flavors, which include Tahini, Pistachio, and Rose Water.

Just Veggiez, 2817 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53704

A modern and soulful kitchen with an entirely plant-based lineup of contemporary menu choices. Enjoy a healthier version of your favorite comfort foods without sacrificing flavor. Popular menu choices include the Parmesan Chix Sandwich, the Southwest Burger, the Korean BBQ Sandwich, the Reuben Sandwich, and the Shrimp Po Boy Sandwich. All of these items were reported as being perfectly seasoned, crispy, and juicy, in addition to being served with appropriate sides and sauces. Some hearty and delicious side dishes include Plant-Based Cheese Curds and Greens. There is also a gluten-free menu, as well as a kids’ menu. Just Veggiez is a Black family-owned enterprise, and Chef James has a compelling backstory and passion for healthy, delicious eating. Please note that their storefront is in a shared ghost kitchen setting, and there is no dining area. If you are opting for pickup, then be sure to keep an eye out for the door near Dollar Tree. When you get to the door, you will have to call and someone will come out with your food.

Live Bistro, 2036 Sylvan Rd. SW, Atlanta, GA 30310

Life Bistro provides vegan versions of classic American comfort foods. Whether you’re looking for weekend brunch with friends or a Friday night dinner with live music, Life Bistro truly is worth all the hype. Dinner entrees include the vegan Southwest Steak Burger which features a charbroiled beyond patty, vegan cheese, portobello steak, grilled onions, lettuce, tomato, pickle and chimichurri, and their weekend brunch specials feature their Chick’n N Waffles made with a spelt waffle and fried portobello strips.

Penelope’s Vegan Taqueria, 5204 North Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640 and 230 West Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60654

Every part of these taquerias has been chosen with love by the family who owns them (and named them for their daughter), from the bright bird murals by artist Senkoe and lively Mexican playlist, to the constantly evolving, innovative menu that aims to recreate the flavors from their childhood. Featuring vegan versions of classics like burritos, enchiladas, elote, nachos, dips, chilaquiles, fries, etc., and with tacos such as mushroom chimichurri, soy al pastor with pineapple, baja with fried beer batter avocado and habanero mango pico de gallo, alongside a broad range of drinks both non-alcoholic (such as several colorful horchata options, kombucha and Jarrito sodas) and alcoholic (including margaritas, beers, and cocktails), there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Plant Craft Kitchen, 3860 South Lindbergh Blvd., Ste. 105, St. Louis, MO 63127

This cheerful, casual café in a strip mall in Sunset Hills serves a rotating menu of vibrant, healthy vegan food. The menu always includes several beautifully presented salads; hummus; pizzas with house-made crusts and many customization options; sandwiches; and varying options like tacos, mushroom lasagna, and curry. Made fresh with quality vegetables, their colorful meals make eating healthy affordable and appealing. They also have a weekly meal program, where if you place your order by Thursday, on Sunday you can pick up a seasonal wholefood plant-based meal designed to be reheated.

Ro’s Diner, 197 Meserole St., Brooklyn, NY 11206

Enjoy a vegan twist on an all American idea. The diner serves an impressive variety of foods from breakfast items, salads, burgers, sandwiches, to desserts, and more.

The Soulful Vegan, 1720 Merriman Rd., Ste. M, Akron, OH 44308

The Soulful Vegan offers a variety of food. Vegan wing dings are served with celery sticks and a choice of bleu cheese or ranch dressing. Sandwiches on the menu include the Big McVegan with 2 plant-based patties and a house special sauce, a crunchy vegan fish patty with homemade tartar sauce, and a crispy missin’ chicken with a deep-fried panko crusted plant-based chicken patty with a zesty sauce. Dinner items come with a choice of 2 sides and include a jumbo shrimp dinner, BBQ ribs made with jackfruit, and a vegan salmon dinner.

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