For questions or comments on this article, please contact Brad Scott at This article may be reproduced for non-commercial use intact or with credit given to The Vegetarian Resource Group. The contents of this article, as with all The Vegetarian Resource Group publications, is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.
A doctor described The Vegetarian Resource Group's exhibit this way: "Your small 10 foot by 10 foot booth is a warm spot amongst all the coldness in here." Indeed, we were extremely crowded during the four-day show. One cardiologist after another eagerly picked up our materials, requested handouts for their patients, and ordered books.
Why all the interest? Well, it seems that many doctors agree that Dr. Dean Ornish's lowfat, primarily vegan, approach to reversal of heart disease is scientifically sound. Unfortunately, many of these same physicians feel that it's too difficult for patients to follow a 10% lowfat vegetarian diet. It seems that unless society makes it easier for people to consume a lowfat vegetarian diet, patients will choose drugs and surgery over dietary changes. This is where readers of Vegetarian Journal can take an active, supportive role.
The Vegetarian Resource Group is releasing its new book called, Simple, Lowfat & Vegetarian, by Suzanne Havala, M.S., R.D. which contains lowfat vegan recipes by Mary Clifford, R.D. (See pages 30-31 in this issue of Vegetarian Journal.) This book shows you how to reduce fat in meals both at home and when eating out by following simple steps. In other words, readers are taught how to change their dietary patterns without completely giving up activities they enjoy such as dining in restaurants, going to the movies, traveling on cruise ships, trains, or planes, etc. This is the perfect book to give to local health professionals to use as a reference book for patients. It's also a perfect gift for someone you know that needs to change their diet.
For the past five years The Vegetarian Resource Group has had a huge impact on registered dietitians by exhibiting at The American Dietetic Association's annual meeting. It is now time to reach out to the medical establishment. With your support, The Vegetarian Resource Group hopes to exhibit at other conferences attended by doctors. Any donations are appreciated. They can be sent to The Vegetarian Resource Group, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.
Debra Wasserman & Charles Stahler
Coordinators of The Vegetarian Resource Group
Simple, Lowfat & Vegetarian shows you how easy it is to reduce the fat in meals eaten away from home, as well as while you're dining at home. Tips are given for reducing the fat content in meals consumed at salad bars, pizza parlors, Italian, fast food, Mexican, Natural Foods, Indian, and Chinese restaurants; in cafeterias, amusement parks, movie theaters, school and office cafeterias; as well as on planes, trains, and cruise ships.
At home, readers are supplied with weekly and monthly shopping lists suitable for lowfat menu planning. Quick and easy suggestions for lowfat meals are offered and 30 days of quick meals are provided. Finally, readers are given suggestions on how to reduce fat in their diets by changing habits, keeping a food diary, etc. A quiz is introduced in this book to allow readers to evaluate their own eating habits to determine where changes are needed. All this is followed by delicious lowfat vegan recipes for soups, entrees, side dishes, desserts, etc. All the recipes have a nutritional breakdown. Try dishes including Spinach Salad with Sherried Raisins, Ginger-Roasted Vegetables, Puffed Sweet Potatoes, Rosemary-Scented Polenta, Vegetable Stuffed Pizza, Dreamy Orange Tapioca, and more.
The following is excerpted from the chapter referring to cruise ships. Not only can you find vegetarian food on many cruise lines today, but by following these suggestions you can also enjoy lowfat vegetarian dining throughout your excursion.
Sample vegetarian items found on Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's meatless luncheon menus include melon cocktail, chilled strawberry bisque, fresh vegetables, vegetable soup, cauliflower garden salad, tropical fruit platter, sherbet, tortellini calabrese, Hawaiian croissant sandwiches, pie, and beverages.
Sample vegetarian dishes on their meatless dinner menus include spaghetti Alfredo style with julienne of fresh vegetables, grilled plum tomatoes, steamed broccoli, chilled cantaloupe soup, tempura fried broccoli and eggplant garnished with snow peas, and Oriental noodles served with a sweet and sour sauce, fresh fruit, and beverages. For further information call (800) 852-3268.
Vegetarian selections included on their regular breakfast menu are juices, baked apples, dry cereal, pancakes, and French toast. Vegetarian items on their regular lunch menu include juice, cream of tomato and coconut soup, and a mixed green salad with dressing. No meatless entree option is listed -- items would have to be modified and vegetable side dishes ordered.
The vegetarian dinner menu on Carnival Cruise Line includes pear nectar, cream of asparagus soup, sliced cucumber and Belgium endive in lemon dressing, vegetable brochette on pilaf rice, vegetable accompan-iments, assorted cheese, Napoleon, and beverages. For information contact Carnival Cruise Lines at Carnival Place, 3655 NW 87 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33178.
Sample luncheon items include juice, spinach ravioli, fresh fruit salad, and fresh herb omelet. Sample dinner dishes include chilled apricot soup, Mexican omelet with crisp vegetables, sorbet, sautied mixed vegetables, leeks with mushrooms, and cucumber with yogurt and mint salad. For further information call (800) 223-0764.
Sample vegetarian items available during dinner include broiled grapefruit with rum and raisins, chilled banana and papaya soup, mushroom and barley soup, mixed green salad with dressing, vegetable pojarksy (breaded, mixed vegetable patty) with cheese sauce, spinach flan with cream sauce, assorted vegetables, fresh fruit, plus more. Call (800) 527-6200.
Cruise ships are notorious for offering abundant meal service nearly round-the-clock. Vegetarians should have little trouble finding delicious, lowfat options. The only problem may be resisting all the high fat offerings. Even when a vegetarian menu is available, some modifications may be needed to suit your needs.
Don't forget to take advantage of our special pre-release price of $12 per copy of Simple, Lowfat & Vegetarian. Offer valid through February 28, 1994.
The Vegetarian Resource Group exhibited at The American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting and The American Heart Association Conference during the fall of 1993. Thank you to all our readers who donated money towards these two events. With your support we reached out to 12,000 dietitians and 30,000 attendees (including 13,000 doctors) at the American Heart Association conference.
While the study did not report brand names, it did show that calcium supplements from bonemeal and dolomite still had much higher lead contents than did the amount of cow's milk which would provide the same amount of calcium. Some brands of calcium carbonate from "natural sources" (from fossilized oyster shells) also contained excessive lead. Generally calcium carbonate produced in a laboratory (often referred to as refined) and calcium bound to various chelates (calcium gluconate, calcium lactate) did not contain excessive lead.
Calcium supplements are not needed by most Americans since food can provide all the calcium we need. However, for those who do need to use calcium supplements, calcium from dolomite, bonemeal, and many "natural source" calcium products should be avoided because of their lead content.
For further information see: Bourgoin BP, Evans DR, Cornett JR, Lingard SM, Quattrone AJ. Lead content in 70 brands of dietary calcium supplements. Am J Public Health 83:1155-2011, 1993.
You might think that baking without wheat would make for a pretty limited diet. If so, you'd be wrong. "No wheat" doesn't mean no bread, no cake, no pasta, no goodies. Buckwheat, spelt, rice flour, oat flour, and many more wheat alternatives can add different flavors and textures to familiar foods.
Are there any hard and fast rules for substituting for wheat? Not really. There are a number of cookbooks on the market that deal with using flours other than wheat, but it seems that they all offer a different formula for substitution. It also depends on whether you're using flour to bread, thicken, or bake.
Perhaps the best point to keep in mind is that most non-wheat flours do not substitute cup for cup for wheat flour. It's also a good idea to work with combinations of flours, since the flavor of one might be acceptable, but result in a too-crumbly or too-dense product by itself. The best way to come up with wheat-free dishes you enjoy is to experiment. Start with the following wheat-free recipes, and look to the "For More Information" box for books and names of organizations that can provide additional assistance.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
1717 Massachusetts Avenue
Suite 305
Washington, DC 20036
Food Allergy Network
4744 Holly Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22030
Gluten Intolerance Group
PO Box 23053
Seattle, WA 98102-0353
A melt-in-your mouth texture will make these a favorite breakfast treat. Experiment with adding basil, dried onion, and oregano for herbed biscuits, or raisins, finely chopped nuts, and orange juice (instead of soy milk) for a sweet version.
Stir in soy milk until a soft dough forms and mixture pulls away from sides of bowl; do not overmix.
Turn dough out onto generously floured board. Knead gently (about 10 times). Pat dough out to between 1/4- and 1/2-inch thick. Cut with 2-1/2-inch biscuit cutter. Re-roll and cut scraps until remaining dough is used. Place on baking sheet and brush with melted margarine.
Bake biscuits about 10 minutes or until very lightly browned. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Total Calories Per Biscuit: 97
Fat: 4 grams
Although this comforting, old-fashioned cake is just as good served warm or at room temperature, there's something irresistible about freshly baked, still-hot-from-the-oven desserts.
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a 2-quart baking dish. In medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut in margarine until well combined. Stir in soy milk until soft batter forms.
Pour fruit mixture into greased baking dish. Pour batter over fruit. Bake about 15 minutes or until knife inserted in cake portion only comes out clean.
Total Calories Per Serving: 266
Fat: 3 grams
This dense, moist cake is simple to make but looks festive enough for a special occasion.
In large bowl, beat together margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Combine flours, salt, and baking powder. Stir in flour mixture and apple juice alternately, until mixture is well combined. Pour over pineapple slices.
Bake cake about 20 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Run spatula around edge of pan to loosen cake and invert onto serving platter. Serve warm or cool. Garnish with crushed pineapple or applesauce.
Total Calories Per Serving: 208
Fat: 7 grams
Many people are hesitant to make their own bread, thinking that it's far too complex and fussy to bother with. But really, homemade bread is one of the simpler things to learn how to make. If you've only done it with an automatic bread machine, try this simple loaf as your first introduction to baking.
Grease mixing bowl and place dough in bowl, turning to coat lightly. Cover and place in warm spot away from drafts. Let rise about 30 minutes.
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Place dough on greased baking sheet, or, if desired, bake in greased 8- x 4-inch loaf pan. Brush with remaining tablespoon of melted margarine and bake about 25 minutes or until golden and loaf sounds hollow when tapped on top.
Total Calories Per Serving: 149
Fat: 4 grams
Cornbread is an all-time favorite, and there are lots of variations. Try adding chili powder, herbs, or 1/2 cup corn to this recipe for an easy change of pace.
In large bowl, stir together flours, sugar, and salt. Stir in soy milk and oil until a soft batter forms.
Pour batter into greased pan and bake about 20 minutes, or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Total Calories Per Serving: 346
Fat: 8 grams
These are similar to a Polish dish called kluski, which are like dumplings. Make them into large pancakes, as called for here, or silver-dollar sized pancakes to serve as appetizers.
Melt margarine in non-stick saucepan over medium heat. With floured hands, form dough into four large pancakes. Fry, turning occasionally, until golden. Serve immediately.
Total Calories Per Serving: 130
Fat: 3 grams
The distinctive taste of garbanzos (chickpeas) makes a toothsome change of pace when you turn it into gravy for rice, mashed potatoes, or casseroles.
Gradually whisk broth and steak sauce or Worcestershire into flour mixture. Cook, stirring, until smooth and thickened. Serve immediately.
Total Calories Per 2 Tablespoons Serving: 35
Fat: <1 gram
Mary Clifford, R.D., is a dietitian in Virginia and a nutrition advisor for The Vegetarian Resource Group.
For more information, send a stamped self-addressed envelope to VRG at the above address. Subscriptions to the Vegetarian Journal are $20 per year. All contributions above the $20 subscription are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Contributions help VRG promote vegetarianism.
Brad Scott /
The Vegetarian Resource Group / Vegetarian Journal
PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203
(410) 366-VEGE
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Last Updated September 20, 1997 |
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The contents of this web site, as with all The Vegetarian Resource Group publications, is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional. Any pages on this site may be reproduced for non-commercial use if left intact and with credit given to The Vegetarian Resource Group. Web site questions or comments? Please email |