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Vegetarian JournalExcerptsNovember/December 1996Volume XV, Number 6
Bees are not fed the sucrose solution during the collecting season when they produce enough honey to supply both the beekeeper's and the hive's demands. Bees will continuously gather nectar and produce honey regardless of the amount of honey which they have stored.(2) However, bees sometimes collect more nectar when they are provided with more storage room. Bees naturally live in a tightly crowded hive, and beekeepers often allow more room in the hive so the bees will produce more honey.(3) The honey which the bees make from the sucrose solution will not have the distinct taste of honey produced from nectar.(4)
Beekeepers sometimes feed pollen substitutes to the bees in early spring when there is not enough natural pollen in the foraging area. Some ingredients of a homemade pollen substitute include powdered skim milk, dried brewers' yeast, and dried egg yolk. Some bees are never fed either nectar or pollen substitutes.(1)
Recently, the practice of fumigation has become available in a few states. This method eliminates the need to burn the hive, as the infected bees are poisoned with calcium cyanide. Beekeepers may also purposely kill bees when an overly aggressive colony could be harmful to the public. Introducing a gentle queen to the colony is a more typical way to deal with this situation.(4)
Beekeepers use smoke puffs to reduce their chances of being stung when opening the colony. A puff of smoke is applied for about 30 seconds to mask an alarm pheromone which the bees normally spread throughout the colony when they are disturbed.
Large-scale beekeepers are more likely to use caustic chemicals to repel bees when removing honey from the hive. The chemicals are sprinkled on acid boards and do not directly contact the bees. These fumes drive the bees away from the honey. A convenient, non-chemical alternative to both smoke and chemicals is the bee escape, a one-way exit trap, in which bees are separated from the part of the man-made hives containing honey. The bee blower, similar to a modified leaf blower, is another popular method of quickly removing the bees.(5)
Beekeepers obtain bees from either catching stray swarms, taking bees from a tree, buying an established colony, or purchasing packaged bees. Entire colonies or single queens may be bought. Packaged queen bees can be selectively bred for characteristics such as honey production, color, size, pollination ability, and gentleness. Genetic engineering has not been done on bees.
Pesticides, which are either contact, stomach, or respiratory toxins, can affect the nervous system of the bee so that it can no longer locate food sources. The bees which pollinate these chemically-treated crops will die. While honeybees are easily transported off treated fields, ground-nesting native bees must remain there. Therefore, pesticides are more likely to harm native bees than honeybees.
Chemicals cause more problems in areas where irrigation systems are commonly used, and bees that rely upon irrigation as a water source can die from consuming the water's chemicals. Researchers are currently investigating pesticide alternatives such as the use of biological control of insects and weeds.
In the United States, one-third of all food consumed by humans somehow requires the pollination performed by honeybees. Cantaloupes, blueberries, apples, cranberries, and squash are just some of the foods pollinated by the honeybee. Clover and alfalfa, used in animal feed, are also pollinated by the honeybee.
Bees assist in the pollination of about eighty percent of the agricultural crops that require insect pollination. Farmers often rent bee colonies to pollinate vast acres of crops, and migratory beekeepers move around the United States to sell their pollination services during times of high demand. For example, beekeepers gather in California each year to service the almond crop, which would not be as large without the honeybees.(5)
The different types of honey vary according to the type of crop which the honeybee visits. Clover honey, one of the most popular types, is made from the nectar of clovers, which are used in animal feed. Other types of honey, such as orange blossom honey, result from the pollination of citrus fruits.
Honey production and pollination may be related, but are not the same process. For example, while honeybees can pollinate pickling cucumbers, they do not produce a substantial amount of honey from this forage. Similarly, some beekeepers only manage bees only for honey production and do not rent their hives to pollinate crops.(8) Often a beekeeper and a grower both benefit from the bees' forage of a field.
The honeybee was introduced to North America from Europe for its honey and wax production, and this general pollinator can adequately service a wide variety of crops. Indigenous bees cannot pollinate some imported crops, such as varieties of apples and pears. These bees also do not produce the type of honey preferred by humans, and the cells of their hives are not made of wax. Therefore, humans commonly manage the honeybee rather than the native bee.
Native species are better suited to pollinate many crops in America, but not all the native species can promise the high pollination rate of the honeybee. For example, although native bees are physically adapted to pollinate cranberries better, honeybees will still pollinate this crop when no other source of nectar exists. Farmers then utilize honeybees to pollinate their many acres of cranberries.(9)
Modern agriculture promotes planting large acres of one type of crop, and all the flowers of this crop bloom simultaneously. Native bees are often specific pollinators of one type of crop, and not enough bees of a particular variety exist to sufficiently pollinate vast acres of one bloom.(10) For example, a watermelon blossom can require up to eight visits by a bee before it is adequately pollinated. The native bees can no longer perform this task alone.
New attempts have been made to introduce native species in greenhouse agricultur e, and many backyard gardeners and organic growers rely on native species to pollinate their produce.(8) Most large-scale farmers resort to using the honeybee for some of their crop pollination.
A combination of factors has contributed to the decrease in the wild bee population. The vast destruction of the native bees' habitat for purposes of urbanization and large-scale agriculture has greatly reduced the number of wild bees. For example, blueberry fields grow naturally when a forest in a suitable location is cut down, but the native bees are destroyed by this interference. Honeybees must then be introduced in order to pollinate the blueberries which will grow in this cleared area, even though native bees are better adapted to pollinate this plant efficiently.(5)
Other problems threatening the wild bees include pesticides and irrigation systems, which destroy the nests of the bees inhabiting treated fields. Bees also can be injured during the mechanized harvest of crops.
Beekeepers combat tracheal mites, which live in the breathing tubes of the bee, by placing a mixture of Crisco and sugar in the hive to disrupt the scent-tracking mechanism of the mites. Placing menthol (mint) crystals in perforated bags inside the hive can also reduce tracheal mites.(4)
The varroa mite can kill an entire colony within one to two years after infection. This mite is treated with an approved chemical, a fluvalinate, which is not used while the bees are producing honey for human consumption. Fluvalinate has not been detected in honey because this chemical is fat soluble and honey contains no fat.(5) The fact that only one approved chemical exists to treat varroa mites suggests that the mites may soon become resistant to it. If so, the bee population would be severely decimated.
Managed bees, unlike wild bees, are fed antibiotics as a preventive measure against secondary diseases precipitated by mite infestation. Therefore, wild bees have a high risk for these diseases. The antibiotics show no adverse side effects to the bees.(4)
Managed bees may be more likely to avoid the pesticides, mites, and disruption of their homes that typically threaten native bees. However, one reason the managed bees have a better survival rate than the native bees is that humans have interfered with the natural habitat of the native bees through the use of pesticides, forest clear-cutting, accidental introduction of parasites, and monoagriculture.
Although honey production may have been the initial reason for the importation of honeybees to America, it is no longer the sole reason that these bees are important to humans. The use of managed bees may be the only way modern agriculture can sustain itself. The question remains as to whether we could practically reintroduce a more "natural" system of pollination into our modern society.
(2)Szabo , T., Sporns, P., & Lefkovitch, L. 1992. "Effects of frequency of honey
removal and empty comb space on honey quantity and quality." Bee Science
(3)Smith, Barton. June, 1996. (Maryland State Apiary Inspector) Personal
(4)Miner, Ernie. June, 1996. (A bee-supply dealer in Maryland who is also
a part-time state inspector) Personal interview.
(5)Morris, David. June, 1996. (President of the Maryland State Beekeepers
Association) Personal interview.
(6)Levin, M. D. 1986. "Using honeybees to pollinate crops." USDA leaflet
number 549.
(7)McGregor, S. E. "Pollination of crops." USDA Agriculture Handbook 355.
(8)Shimanuki, Hachiro. June, 1996. (Research Leader for the USDA Bee Research
Department) Personal inter-view.
(9)Batra, Suzanne. June, 1996. (Researcher at USDA Bee Research Labs) Personal
10)Batra, Suzanne. 1984. "Solitary Bees." Scientific American 250.2:120-7.
Thanks to volunteer Jeanie Freeman for converting this article to HTML
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