- Local & State Vegetarian Groups in the United States
- College & University Vegetarian Groups in the United States
- Vegetarian Groups Outside the United States
- Co-ops, Farmers' Markets & Natural Foods Stores in the United States
Local & State Vegetarian Groups in the United States
- Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF) (Florida)
- Bay Area Vegetarians (BAVeg) (San Francisco Bay Area, California)
- Berkshire Vegan Network
- Black Vegetarian Society of Texas (BVSTX) (Texas)
- Boston Vegetarian Society (BVS) (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Cape Cod Vegans (CCV) (Harwich, Massachusetts)
- Capital Region Vegan Network (Albany, New York)
- ChicagoVeg (Chicago, Illinois)
- Central Jersey Vegetarian Group(CJVG)
- CT Vegan Center
- Dallas Vegan (Dallas/Fort Worth area, Texas)
- EarthSave Baltimore (Baltimore, Maryland)
- The Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) (Eugene, Oregon)
- Florida Voices for Animals (Florida)
- Fort Wayne VEG (Vegan & Vegetarian Group) (NE Indiana)
- Hagerstown Vegan Meetup
- The Humane League (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
- Island Vegans (Newport, Rhode Island & surrounding areas)
- Justice for Animals Pittsburgh
- Lancaster Vegetarian Society (Lancaster County, Pennsylvania)
- Lawrence Area Vegan Association (Lawrence, Kansas)
- Mercy For Animals (MFA) (Chicago, Illinois & Columbus, Ohio)
- Northwest Ohio Vegan Advocates
- Northwest VEG (area of Portland, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington)
- Pittsburgh Vegan Society (PVS)
- Peace Advocacy Network (PAN) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
- Rhode Island Vegan Awareness (RIVA) (Rhode Island)
- Rochester Area Vegan Society (RAVS) (Rochester, New York)
- Sacramento Vegetarian Society (SVS) (Sacramento, California)
- San Antonio Vegans (San Antonio, Texas)
- The San Francisco Vegan Society (San Francisco, California)
- Southern California Vegetarians (SoCalVeg) (California)
- Tampa Bay Vegetarians (TBV) (Tampa Bay area, Florida)
- Triangle Vegetarian Society (TVS) ((Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area of North Carolina)
- Valley VEG (Pioneer Valley in western Massachusetts)
- VegLife Des Moines (Des Moins, Iowa)
- Vegan Omaha (Omaha, Nebraska)
- Vegans Rock Austin! (Austin, Texas)
- Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) (Baltimore, MD)
- Vegetarian Society of DC (VSDC) (Washington, DC)
- Vegetarian Society of East Tennessee (VSET) (Knoxville, Tennessee)
- Vegetarian Society of Georgia (VSG) (Georgia)
- Vegetarian Society of Hawaii (VSH) (Hawaii)
- Vegetarian Society of Richmond (VSR) (Richmond, Virginia)
- Vegetarian Society of South Jersey (VSSJ) (New Jersey)
- Vegetarian Society of Utah (VSU) (southern Utah)
- Vegetarians in Paradise (Los Angeles, California)
- Vegetarians in Motion (VIM) (Rockford, Illinois)
- Vegetarians of Central Florida (VegCF) (Florida)
- Vegetarians of Washington (Seattle, Washington)
- VegMichigan (formerly Veggies In Motion; Southeast Michigan)
- Voices for Animals (Charlottesville, Virginia)
College & University Vegetarian Groups in the United States
- Culinary Schools (Upcoming Vegan and Vegetarian Events)
- T.A.R.A. (The Animal Rights Association) (St. John's University, Queens, New York)
Vegetarian Groups Outside the United States
- Animal Rights Sweden (Sweden) Founded in 1882
- Association Vegetarienne de France (France)
- The Australian Vegetarian Society (AVS)
- Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans (BVV) (Birmingham, UK)
- Calgary Vegetarian Society (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
- Centro Vegetariano (Portugal)
- Ethical Globe
- European Vegetarian Union (EVU)
- Fiapo (India)
- Halifax Association of Vegetarians (HAV) (in the Halifax area and throughout Nova Scotia, Canada)
- International Vegetarian Union (IVU)
- Montreal Vegetarian Association (MVA) (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
- ProVeg Germany
- Satvik Vegan Society (India)
- SimplyRaw (Ottawa, Canada)
- Toronto Vegetarian Association (TVA) (Canada)
- Vegan ACT (Australian Capital Territory)
- Vegan Society of the UK
- Vegan Taiwan (Taiwan)
- Vegetarianismo (Portugal)
- Winnipeg Vegetarian Association (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
- World Animal Net Directory (world's largest database of animal protection societies)
Co-ops, Farmers' Markets & Natural Foods Stores in the United States
- Berkeley Student Food Collective (BSFC) (Berkeley, California)
- Common Ground Food Co-op (Urbana, Illinois)
- The Common Market (Frederick, Maryland)
- East End Food Co-op (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
- Harbor Area Farmers' Markets (Los Angeles County, California)
- Hawaii Farmers Market Guide (Honolulu, Hawaii)
- PCC Natural Markets (Greater Seattle, Washington)
- Sevananda Natural Foods Market (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Wheatsville Food Co-op (Austin, Texas)
Please see the following to find vegetarian/vegan groups in your area:
- GreenPeople (search for veggie groups in your area)
- Social Websites (veg-related community & social groups)
- Vegetarians in Paradise (directory of vegetarian/vegan associations)
- World Animal Net Directory (world's largest database of animal protection societies)
If you know of other organizations/links that should be included,
please email [email protected]. Thanks.
Also see: Vegetarian Organizations