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For: Immediate Release July 10, 2001
Contacts: Davida Gypsy Breier (410) 366-8343
Jeanne McStay (410) 366-VEGE
Do vegetarian women have different needs than vegetarian men?
Is wine vegetarian?
Which vegetarian foods contain iron?
Being a vegetarian is about questioning.
Is meat harmful to my health? Do I want to consume animals? These are but a few of the questions that lead people to vegetarianism.
Once on the way, then what – a whole new set of questions! What do I eat? Will I get enough protein? Where do I get iron and calcium? What about hidden ingredients? Where can I eat out? Where can I find vegan donuts? Is kosher gelatin vegan? Where can I find a recipe for…
Then once you think you know it all, more questions. Where can I find vegan bowling shoes? I have joint pain. Are glucosamine and chondroitin vegetarian? What about DHA? I’m pregnant. What do I eat? Is the estrogen in soy heat sensitive? Where would I find a salmon substitute?
The Vegetarian Resource Group receives questions like these on a daily basis via their website, which averages 100,000 visitors a month (1˝ million page requests monthly). Based on the answers to these questions they have produced VEGAN & VEGETARIAN FAQ – ANSWERS TO YOUR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.
This guide will help non-vegetarians understand the issues and ingredients that concern vegetarians. It is also a wonderful starting place for the new vegetarian. And if you are a vegetarian 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you need this book.
To order the 272-page Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ (ISBN 0-931411-24-6) send $15 to The Vegetarian Resource Group, Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. You can also order online at www.vrg.org or call (410) 366-8343.
VRG researcher Davida Gypsy Breier and Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, have answered hundreds of questions on everything from vegan marshmallows to food ingredients, to veggie kids to how to cook tofu. Also included are 35 popular recipes, including fajitas and sloppy Joes, as well as sources for thousands more!
Ms. Breier has researched questions from those wanting to know the basics to individuals working to be vegan within their unique lifestyle. Is tattoo ink vegan? I love to feed the birds in my yard. Is there a vegetarian suet available? As a vegan, I was horrified to find out recently that at least some watercolor paper also has sizing made from animal gelatin! Does anyone know if this is true of all paper made commercially? Does bone china really have bones in it?
Most of our friends, relatives, and co-workers probably won’t become vegetarian nutrition experts, but many of them will crave a donut. Where do you find a vegan one? Are Krispy Kreme donuts vegetarian? Have answers to questions like this readily available in Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ.
Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, is compiler of the U.S.D.A. Nutri-topics bibliography on vegetarianism, author of Nutrition Management of the Vegetarian Child in The American Dietetic Association Pediatric Manual of Clinical Dietetics, and nutrition editor for Vegetarian Journal.
Davida Gypsy Breier has been interested in vegetarianism since age eight. She says about Vegan and Vegetarian FAQ, “This book consumed my thoughts for months. I would be at a concert and start working on it in my mind. I dreamt of it constantly, wishing I had a way to record all of my nocturnal manuscripts. I questioned every answer, double-checking my sources and my source’s sources.”
“And despite all that, I know I haven’t answered every question. This nags at me. This is where you, the reader, have an obligation to keep questioning. I’m not about to stop asking questions and trying to find answers, and neither should you. If you have a question about vegetarianism, veganism, and related issues, check our web site at www.vrg.org and Vegan and Vegetarian FAQ. If you can’t find the answers, please e-mail The Vegetarian Resource Group at [email protected].”
Vegan and Vegetarian FAQ is available for $15 from The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.
The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization which educates the community about vegetarianism. It publishes Vegetarian Journal, Vegetarian Journal’s Foodservice Update, and other materials. A one year subscription to both Vegetarian Journal and Foodservice Update is $30. Call (410) 366-VEGE (8343) for more information or to join over the phone with a Visa or MasterCard, or visit the website to become a member online at www.vrg.org.
Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or fowl. Vegans do not eat meat, fish, or fowl, and do not use other animal products such as dairy or eggs. For information about vegetarianism or veganism, send a self addressed stamped envelope with two first class stamps to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Visit their web site at www.vrg.org.
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Last Updated June 28, 2001 |
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