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***We at The Vegetarian Resource Group join the rest of the world in extending our condolences and deepest sympathies to those whose lives were changed by the tragic events of September 11. One of our goals at The Vegetarian Resource Group is to promote kindness. We salute those who have demonstrated that times of great sorrow, such as this, can also be times of great kindness, and we encourage you to continue the generous and compassionate work of assisting the victims of this disaster.***
This is my first month at the helm of VRG-News, I would like to begin by acknowledging my predecessor, Davida Gypsy Breier. I am humbled by the fantastic job that she has done as editor of this newsletter for the past few years, and I promise to work hard to fill her shoes. I'm sure you will join me in wishing her well in her future endeavors. If you are planning to attend the Natural Products Expo East on Friday October 12 in Washington D.C., you can wish her well in person! Davida will be at the Nutri-Books booth to sign copies of the book she co-authored with Reed Mangels Ph.D., R.D., Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ. The Vegetarian Resource Group will also have a booth at the Expo. It will be Table Top 1 between halls B and C. Stop by and say hello!
In the short time that I've been at The Vegetarian Resource Group, I've learned much and met many great people. I look forward to meeting Maryland members when The Vegetarian Resource Group celebrates its 20th annual pre-Thanksgiving Potluck on Sunday, November 18th. The dinner will be held at 5:30pm at St. John's Church, St. Paul and 27th Streets in Baltimore. Admission is $3 per adult and a vegan dish that will serve four or more people. Children are free. Please write the recipe on a 3X5 card and bring a serving utensil for each dish. For more information, contact Tamara Gabai (410) 366-VEGE or Jeannie McStay (410) 366-8343 or e-mail us at [email protected].
Happy World Vegetarian Day, everyone!
During The American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, VRG will hold a dinner in St. Louis, Missouri at the Mandarin House at Union Station. The dinner is open to dietitians, VRG members, and the general public.
The menu for the Chinese Vegan Banquet will include:
Vegetarian Deluxe Soup (vegetable, tofu, green bean noodle)
Fresh Spring Rolls (rice sheet wrapper, non-fried)
Pan Fried Bean Curd Cake
Green Beans with Szechwan Sauce
Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Vegetables (Napa, spinach, etc.)
Three Greens (Chinese broccoli, zucchini, and snow peas)
Hot Bean Curd in a Special Sauce (a favorite of their vegetarian guests)
Steamed Rice
Mixed Fruit Dessert
The cost is $20. Children under 10 years are half-price. Price includes tax and tip. Payment must be made in advance. Refunds will only be made if we have a replacement for your seat. Call (410) 366-8343 between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday; fax (410) 366-8804; e-mail [email protected]; or send to VRG, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.
Please send in your payment and reservations by ***October 15, 2001***.
VRG was recently selected to join Give for Change's list of non-profit organizations receiving philanthropic support. Give for Change allows you to make online donations to a variety of progressive organizations. VRG is listed under the "Rights & Welfare Of Animals" section. Give for Change is affiliated with Working Assets, a company that supports a variety of organizations through their long- distance phone and credit card services. As part of the "Tax Rebate Matching Grant" program, Give for Change will match any donations of exactly $300 or $600 from now until November 1, 2001. For more information on this program go to: http://www.giveforchange.com
For more information about Working Assets go to: http://www.workingforchange.com/ And go to http://www.giveforchange.com/cgi-bin/GiveForChange.storefront for more details about Give For Change.
Thanks to all who have already sent donations!
Please remember The Vegetarian Resource Group in matching gifts at work, United Way, and federal employee (CFC) campaigns.
(Serves 4) Adapted recipe from Conveniently Vegan by Debra Wasserman
(Thanks to Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D., for sharing this delicious recipe!)
4 cups Tofurky cut into 1/2-inch thick strips
1 Tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1 Tablespoon maple syrup or apple juice
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cups warm cooked brown rice
20-32 lettuce leaves
Salsa or Korean hot pepper paste (Available in some Asian markets), to taste
Combine sesame seeds, oil, sweetener, spices, and onion in a glass baking dish. Add the Tofurky strips and toss to coat with the marinade. Cover and refrigerate 2-6 hours, stirring occasionally. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat and add the Tofurky mixture and marinade. Cook, stirring constantly, about 5 minutes. To serve, place about 3/4 cup cooked rice, 5-8 lettuce leaves, and a fourth of the Tofurky on each plate. To eat, fill a lettuce leaf with rice, Tofurky, and salsa or hot pepper paste to taste. Roll up and eat with your fingers.
This holiday season, each time you purchase Tofurky Feast, a donation will be made by Turtle Island Foods to The Vegetarian Resource Group. More information and delicious holiday recipes can be found on our website at http://www.vrg.org/recipes/tofurky.htm
The November / December 2001 Vegetarian Journal articles include:
Nutrition Hotline The potential for transmission of mad cow disease through
dairy products
Note from the Coordinators
Letters to the Editors
Veggie Bits
Scientific Update
Notes from the Scientific Department
Product Reviews: Vegetarian Journal's Guide to Nuts and Nut Butters
Vegan Cooking Tips - From Chef Nancy Berkoff: Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
Book Reviews
Vegetarian Action: Dwayne DeRosario, by Brian Kluepfel
Read excerpts from back issues online at: http://www.vrg.org/journal/
The Journal features informational and recipe articles, product and book reviews, news for vegetarian activists, and up-to-date information about vegetarian health and nutrition. If you are not currently a subscriber to the Vegetarian Journal, why not subscribe today?
Subscriptions to Vegetarian Journal are $20/year in the US (please inquire for subscription rates outside the US). Accepted forms of payment, in US funds, are Visa, MasterCard, checks drawn on US banks, and postal money orders. When joining please send us your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. If paying by credit card please include the card number and expiration date.
If you join online at http://www.vrg.org/journal/subscribe.htm for $30 or more, you will receive a FREE copy of the Vegan Handbook, a $20 value! (US addresses only).
If you choose to join by mail, subscriptions should be directed to:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
PO Box 1463
Dept. IN
Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: (410) 366-8343
Fax: (410) 366-8804
E-mail: [email protected]
Friday, February 15 - Sunday, February 24, 2002
This is the third Club Veg Vegan Nature Tour, and they have been fabulous trips filled with great birding and wildlife viewing, hiking, snorkeling, beautiful waterfalls and guided by expert naturalists from Costa Rica. Already they have been told by past attendees that they plan on signing up for this trip - so sign up soon! Contact Sawtelle Travel at 800-295-2011, and ask to speak to Rick Marsi. If you have questions about food or other vegan related questions, email [email protected].
In celebration of Vegetarian Awareness Month in October, Frieda's(r), Inc. is hosting a Q&A Internet information exchange at their website at http://www.friedas.com. Frieda's has invited VRG's Foodservice advisor Dr. Nancy Berkoff, an expert in the area of Vegan and Vegetarian cuisine as well as soy products, to answer these questions and more. During the week of October 1-7, 2001 everyone is invited to e-mail Dr. Berkoff at [email protected] with questions on Vegetarianism, Vegan, and soy and, with the advent of the word wide web, their questions will be replied to instantly!
Dr. Berkoff, R.D. is not only a registered dietitian, but has over 20 years of experience working in the food industry. She has received awards from the American Culinary Federation, California Restaurant Association, and the U.S. Department of the Navy for Culinary Traning. In 1994 Ms. Berkoff was named Chef of the Year by the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Culinary Federation. Two of her books Vegan Meals for One or Two and Vegan in Volume are available from our website at http://www.vrg.org/catalog/.
The 16th Annual International Compassionate Living Festival will take place the weekend of October 5-7th, 2001. It will be held at Four Points Hotel Raleigh Crabtree, 4501 Creedmoor Road (70 West) Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Speakers include Tom Regan, Katherine Grier (Pets in America), Jenny Stein and James Laveck (Peaceable Kingdom), Robert Cohen, Ray and Jean Swingle Greek (First Do No Harm), Steve Hindi, and John Coetzee (Disgrace: A Reading).
For more information on the event go to:
For registration details go to:
Or contact:
The Culture and Animals Foundation
3509 Eden Croft Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612
(919) 782-3739; Fax: 919-782-6464
E-mail: [email protected]
The Farm Sanctuary's annual Walk For Animals will be taking place this month in cities throughout the U.S. For the date and telephone number of a coordinator near you, check the Farm Sanctuary's web site http://www.farmsanctuary.org/visit/walk2001.htm.
The Sixth Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival will take place Saturday, October 13, 2001 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. It will be held at the Reggie Lewis Athletic Center 1350 Tremont Street (at New Dudley) Boston, MA
Stroll the aisles and graze on free samples of delicious natural, vegetarian foods from exhibitors from across the country and locally. Learn about new products, talk to food manufacturers, and enjoy "Show Special" discount shopping. Admission is FREE.
VRG will have a booth, staffed by volunteers Dina and Dan Aronson. Please stop by!
This event is organized by the Boston Vegetarian Society For more information
(617) 424-8846
E-mail: [email protected]
Vegetarian Society of DC plans are going strong for VegFest DC 2001 for Saturday 13 October from 11 am to 7 pm. VegFest will be held at American University's Ward Circle Building (lower level) in NW Washington DC and co-sponsored by the American University Animal Rights Effort (AUARE). VegFest is a day-long event with three separate plenary sessions to cover the latest information in the areas of compassion, health, and environment. Concurrent sessions will include talks, panels on 'medicine/nutrition' and 'why not meat, dairy, poultry, and fish', videos, and food preparation demos. Vegan food will be available from various food vendors along with information from other like-minded groups. Confirmed speakers include: Karen Davis, Brian Halweil, Keith Akers, Alex Hershaft, Dr. Samuel DeShay, Bruce Friedrich.
Be sure to stop by The Vegetarian Resource Group's booth and say hello to Tamara Gabai and Jeannie McStay!
VegFest will be free and open to the public. For more information contact VSDC at 202-362-VEGY or visit www.vsdc.org
The Gateway to Compassion Animal Rights Symposium will be held Saturday, October 13, 2001 at Sheraton Westport Plaza Towers (900 West Port Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63146; (314)434-5010; Fax: (314) 434-0140)
Topics of discussion include diet and health, factory farming, fur, trapping, captive animals in circuses, zoos, and canned hunts, and exotic animal auctions. Speakers include Ingrid Newkirk (PETA), Dr. Neal Barnard (PCRM), Bradley Miller (Humane Farming Association), Dr. Elliot Katz (In Defense of Animals), Richard Farinato (Humane Society of the U.S.), and Camilla Fox (Animal Protection Institute).
Contact St. Louis Animal Rights Team at
PO Box 28501
St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 851-0928
[email protected]
The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund will host the 9th Annual Animal Law Conference at Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College on Friday, October 19th and Saturday the 20th. Numerous prominent attorneys and legislators will examine the various ways that politics influence the expanding field of animal law. The conference will feature constitutional law scholar Cass R. Sunstein. He will speak about "Standing For Animals." Oregon Supreme Court Justice Robert D. Durham will present the keynote address at the Saturday evening banquet. Some of the panel discussions include standing for animals from a practitioners view, tort damages, enacting legislation, the endangered species act, civil rights and protest, humane slaughter enforcement, and the freedom of information act.
For more information and registration visit SALDF's website at http://www.lclark.edu/~saldf, or contact Matt Dunn or Karstan Lovorn at [email protected] or 503-768-6798.
EarthSave Chicago is hosting its second annual Conference for Conscious Living at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, on Saturday, October 20, 2001. They will be featuring speakers, including John Robbins, Howard Lyman, Stanley and Rhoda Sapon, Robert Cohen, and James LaVeck and Jenny Stein, who will be screening their documentary, The Witness.
They will be offering a vegan lunch, tables of information from local animal advocacy, environmental and vegetarian organizations and the opportunity to meet others with similar interests.
For more information, please contact EarthSave Chicago at 773-525-4032 or visit their website at http://chicago.earthsave.org.
The Fourth Annual International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition is being held April 8-11, 2002 at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California.
Major conference topics include:
Vegetarian diets and longevity/mortality
Vegetarian diets: current issues
Vegetarian diets and bone health
High soy consumption: good, bad, and indifferent?
Vegetarian diets for all: a solution to the environmental crisis?
For more information contact:
Office of Extended Programs
Loma Linda University
School of Public Health
Loma Linda, CA 92350
(909) 558-7230
E-mail: [email protected]
Responsibilities depend on background, major if in college, and interest of applicant. Tasks may include research, writing, and/or community outreach. Internships are helpful for students working towards journalism, English, and nutrition degrees. Business majors can obtain experience related to the business aspects of a nonprofit. Activists can learn new skills and gain a broader knowledge, as well as share their expertise. Positions open throughout the year for all ages (including high school students if in Baltimore). Internships are unpaid. Send resume and cover letter to VRG, Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203; [email protected].
Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with businesses and individuals to bring about healthy changes in your school, workplace, and community. Registered dietitians and physicians aid in the development of nutrition-related publications and answer member and media questions about vegetarian diets. The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization. Financial support comes primarily from memberships, donations, and book sales. The Vegetarian Journal, a bi-monthly print magazine, is a benefit of membership in The VRG. (For more information, please see the "September / October 2001 Vegetarian Journal Online" above or back issues online at http://www.vrg.org/journal/.)
If you would like to make a donation, become a member, or find out more about The VRG, contact us at: The Vegetarian Resource Group PO Box 1463 Baltimore, MD 21203 Phone: (410) 366-8343 Fax: (410) 366-8804 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.vrg.org
VRG-News is the monthly e-mail newsletter of The Vegetarian Resource Group. This is an announcement list, so subscriber messages are not accepted by the list. If you have a technical question about the list, please contact the list manager, Bobbi Pasternak, at [email protected]. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or corrections to VRG-News, direct them to [email protected]. Thanks!
If you are a new subscriber, you might enjoy reading past issues of VRG-News online at http://www.vrg.org/vrgnews/index.htm.
If you wish to cancel your subscription to VRG-News, send an e-mail message to [email protected] with the following message: SIGNOFF VRG-NEWS
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Contents of VRG-News are copyright 2001 by The Vegetarian Resource Group. The newsletter may be freely distributed in electronic or print form provided its contents are not altered and credit is given to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.
This newsletter was converted to HTML by Stephanie Schueler.
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Last Updated October 5, 2001 |
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The contents of this web site, as with all The Vegetarian Resource Group publications, is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional. Any pages on this site may be reproduced for non-commercial use if left intact and with credit given to The Vegetarian Resource Group. Web site questions or comments? Please email [email protected]. |