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VRG-NEWS: The Vegetarian Resource Group Newsletter
Editor: Davida Gypsy Breier
Volume 3, Issue 6
June 1999


  1. Notes from the Editor
  2. New Soy-Based Gelatin Created
  3. VRG Materials Distributed at National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) Annual Training Conference
  4. Ruth E. Caring Vegetarian Award
  5. July / August 1999 Vegetarian Journal Preview
  6. Recent Restaurant Discoveries: Garden Cafe and Dining in the Raw
  7. Job Opening: Web Site Maintenance/Computer Support
  8. Recipe of the Month: Fourth of July Garbanzo Bean Burgers
  9. About the Vegetarian Resource Group
  10. About VRG-NEWS


How many times have you seen a "Be Kind to Animals Don't Eat Them" bumpersticker on a car and smiled at your unknown ally? And how many of you have seen a "Vegetarian Meals Served" sticker on the window of a restaurant and decided to stop for lunch at a place that caters to your needs, instead of the half-hearted offer of a wilted salad? Lately we've been wondering about the activist outreach that happens on car bumpers and restaurant facades. Have you seen one of our "Be Kind to Animals Don't Eat Them" or "Vegetarians are Sprouting Up All Over" bumperstickers recently? We'd really enjoy seeing photos of our bumperstickers in action. Please send us photos, noting your name and the place you saw the bumpersticker. Also, in the last month we've mailed about 2,000 decals emblazoned with "Vegetarian Meals Served" to restaurants all over the US and Canada. They are light green with bright orange carrots creating a "V." If you see one up at a local vegetarian or veg-friendly dining spot please take a picture and show us. Please include your name and the name and location of the restaurant. Send all photos to The Vegetarian Resource Group, Attn: Davida, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.


In Soyfoods USA, Vol. 4, No. 4 it was reported that a new soy-based gelatin has been created. At the fifth annual Soybean Utilization Contest, sponsored by the Indiana Soybean Board and Purdue University, NuSoy Gel, a gelatin-like soy protein dessert won first prize. NuSoy Gel contains soy isoflavones and 100 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C. Traditionally, gelatin is made from animal-protein collagen, derived from animal skin, bone and connective tissue. Some animal-derived gelatin alternatives are made with agar agar, a seaweed. NuSoy Gel is made of water, fructose, high-gelling soy protein and carrageenan (a seaweed). It comes in cherry, orange and lemon flavors, and was developed with hospital patients in mind. There was no word as to when the product would be released to the public. More information about soyfoods can be found at the U.S. Soyfoods Directory http://soyfoods.com.


In April, the New York State Office for the Aging requested 750 copies of our Meatless Menu Alternatives for Your Senior Citizens. This publication was the result of a collaboration between VRG and The National Meals on Wheels Foundation. They requested the booklets to handout at the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) Annual Training Conference. They particularly wanted to present information on healthy menu planning and will be highlighting one of our menus. At one of the roundtable discussions Catherine Conway will be presenting Vegetarian Meal Options for Meals on Wheels and Congregate Meal Site: A Unique Collaboration. Ms. Conway was responsible for introducing vegetarian foods to 25 Meals on Wheels sites in New York. NANASP will be held June 24-27 at the Westin Hotel Michigan Avenue, in Chicago, IL.

Meatless Menu Alternatives for Your Senior Citizens can be used at Meals on Wheels sites, by other programs, or individuals. There is more information on the VRG website at http://www.vrg.org/press/98marseniors.htm. To order the 20-page booklet, send five first class stamps to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203


The Vegetarian Resource Group has set up this annual prize for a person who promotes vegetarianism while completely showing empathy and support for others. The nominee should have demonstrated that he or she is able to work under less than ideal conditions. The selected individual strives to give encouragement to those who try. He or she should have demonstrated the ability to consider several sides of an issue.

We will award a $100 savings bond to each annual recipient.

To nominate someone for the Ruth E. Caring Vegetarian Award, send your nomination to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. E-mail to vrg@vrg.org. Nominations become property of The Vegetarian Resource Group. The deadline each year is April 30th. Nominations made after that date will be considered for the award the following year.


The July / August 1999 issue of the Vegetarian Journal contains:

a) Eating off of the Streets - Food Cruising in Thailand, by Nancy Berkoff.
b) Fabulous Wheat-Free Vegan Pancakes, by Debra Daniels Zeller.
c) You don't have to believe everything you read, but you have to believe something, a primer for critical reading, by Carl V. Phillips.
d) Chips Ahoy, lowfat veggie and fruit chips, by Nancy Berkoff.
e) Velo Ventures for Vegan, tips and recipes for biking tours, by Heather Hedrick.
f) Peanuts, Cracker Jacks and Gardenburgers , vegetarian and vegan ballpark foods, by Davida Gypsy Breier.
g) Guide to Tomato Products.
h) Nutrition Hotline: Soyfoods and Calcium Loss ,and much more.

The Journal features informational and recipe articles, product and book reviews, news for vegetarian activists, and up-to-date information about vegetarian health and nutrition. If you are not currently a subscriber to the Vegetarian Journal, why not subscribe today?

Subscriptions to Vegetarian Journal are $20/year in the US (please inquire for subscription rates outside the US). Accepted forms of payment, all in US funds, are Visa, MasterCard, checks drawn on US banks, and postal money orders. When joining, please send us your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. If paying by credit card, please include the card number and expiration date.

If you join online at http://www.vrg.org/journal/subscribe.htm for $30 or more, you will receive a FREE copy of the VEGAN HANDBOOK, a $20 value! (US addresses only)

If you chose to join by mail, subscriptions should be directed to: The Vegetarian Resource Group PO Box 1463 Dept 2 Baltimore, MD 21203 Phone: (410) 366-8343 Fax: (410) 366-8804 E-mail: vrg@vrg.org


While updating the Vegetarian Journal's Guide to Natural Foods Restaurants in the US and Canada, I recently discovered two restaurants I thought VRG News readers might be interested in visiting. They would make great places to stop if you will be traveling to Florida this summer. The restaurants will be listed in the next edition. If you know of a vegetarian -or vegetarian friendly- restaurant that you think should be in the guide, please write and tell me about it: vrg@vrg.org. You can also fill out our online Restaurant Survey at http://www.vrg.org/travel/restupdate.htm.

GARDEN CAFE  Located near Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the Garden Cafe offers an all-vegetarian menu. They opened this winter, and offer a large menu selection. You can choose from vegan Chinese standards such as "Hot and Sour Soup," or be adventurous and try "Braised Vegetarian Shark's Fin with Wild Bamboo Pith Soup." Their entrees are made with soy and wheat gluten mock meats, including "Rainbow Shrimp," "Sweet and Sour Chicken," and "Satay Beef." Garden Cafe is located at 810 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL. The restaurant is open daily from 11am until 10pm and can be reached at (407) 999-9799.

DINING IN THE RAW  If you are going to be vacationing in Key West, you might want to stop in at Dining in the Raw for a quick sandwich or dessert. They use organics when available and offer vegan, macrobiotic, and raw foods. They have a selection of sandwiches, salads, and desserts. They also have daily lunch and dinner specials, including "Wheat Free Pasta and Beans," "Tempeh Platters," and "Seitan Marsala." For dessert, vegans might want to try the "Non-Dairy Cheesecake." The restaurant is located on the corner of Olivia and Windsor at 800 Olivia Street, Key West, FL. They are open Monday through Friday from 11am-3pm and 5pm-8pm. For more information call (305) 295-2011.

For more information about the Vegetarian Journal's Guide to Natural Foods Restaurants in the US and Canada, visit our online catalog at http://www.vrg.org/catalog/guide.htm.


Jack or Jill of all trades with good science background, writing skills, computer experience, and knowledge of vegetarian issues. About one-fourth of the job is to help keep computer software/hardware/network up to date and running smoothly. The other three-fourths of the job is to author and edit books, research and write articles, maintain and develop web site, respond to inquiries, answer e-mails, deal with media questions, and more. Familiarity with Windows NT, networking, HTML, and software/hardware support experience helpful. Must be a problem solver and enjoy troubleshooting computer issues. Full health and dental insurance. The job is in Baltimore. Send resume, writing sample, and cover letter to The Vegetarian Resource Group, Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.


This recipe originally appeared in Leprechaun Cake and Other Tales, A Vegetarian Story-Cookbook, by Vonnie Winslow Crist and Debra Wasserman.

(Makes 6 burgers)

2 cups pre-cooked or canned (two 19-ounce cans) garbanzo beans(chickpeas), drained and mashed
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
1/4 cup small onion, peeled and finely chopped
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
salt and pepper to taste
2 teaspoons vegetable oil

1) Mix all ingredients except for cooking oil in a bowl.
2) Form 6 flat patties. Fry in oiled pan over medium-high heat until burgers are golden brown. Turn burgers over and fry on the other side until done.
3) Serve alone or with tomato sauce, ketchup, or barbecue sauce.

There are over 40 recipes in Leprechaun Cake and Other Tales (128 pages) and four stories that children and their parents will enjoy. Recipes include Bina's Fruit French Toast, North African Pea Dish, and Italian Lentil Stew. The book is just $10 (including shipping). To read more about Leprechaun Cake and Other Tales, visit the VRG website at: http://www.vrg.org/catalog/leprechaun.htm.


Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with businesses and individuals to bring about healthy changes in your school, workplace, and community. Registered dietitians and physicians aid in the development of nutrition-related publications and answer member and media questions about vegetarian diets. The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization. Financial support comes primarily from memberships, donations, and book sales. The Vegetarian Journal, a bi-monthly print magazine, is a benefit of membership in The VRG. (For more information, please see the July / August 1999 Vegetarian Journal preview above.)

If you would like to make a donation, become a member, or find out more about The VRG, contact us at: The Vegetarian Resource Group PO Box 1463 Baltimore, MD 21203 Phone: (410) 366-8343 Fax: (410) 366-8804 E-mail: vrg@vrg.org Website: www.vrg.org


VRG-News is the monthly e-mail newsletter of The Vegetarian Resource Group. This is an announcement list, so subscriber messages are not accepted by the list. If you have a technical question about the list, please contact the list manager, Bobbi Pasternak, at bobbi@vrg.org. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or corrections to VRG-News, direct them to vrg@vrg.org. Thanks!

If you are a new subscriber, you might enjoy reading past issues of VRG-News online at http://www.vrg.org/vrgnews/index.htm.

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Contents of VRG-News are copyright 1999 by The Vegetarian Resource Group. The newsletter may be freely distributed in electronic or print form provided its contents are not altered and credit is given to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.

This newsletter was converted to HTML by Stephanie Schueler.

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The Vegetarian Resource Group Logo � 1996-2025 The Vegetarian Resource Group
PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203
(410) 366-8343   Email: vrg@vrg.org

Last Updated
June 4, 1999

Graphic design by DreamBox

The contents of this web site, as with all The Vegetarian Resource Group publications, is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.

Any pages on this site may be reproduced for non-commercial use if left intact and with credit given to The Vegetarian Resource Group.

Web site questions or comments? Please email brad@vrg.org.