Letters to the Editors
Breast Is Best
I just began subscribing...and I'm slowly looking over all the information on your website. I cannot tell you how pleased I am that your Vegetarian Kids page has links to La Leche League! My daughter (almost three) had no interest in solid food until she was over a year old and got her first tooth. Thanks to La Leche League and a supportive pediatrician she was exclusively breastfed for that entire first year!
She's an extremely healthy vegetarian toddler with minimal dairy intake (her grandmother has given her yogurt, which, of course, she loved). Keep up the good work and thanks again for including LLL on your site. I firmly believe that there is no better way to get a baby "started" on a healthy, natural diet.
Teresa Voshell
Annapolis, MD
Keep Up the Good Work!
Just wanted to say thank you for providing such a helpful magazine and website. I got my copy of your magazine today (and enjoyed it very much). Thank you for always providing such current information.
As someone who converted to vegetarianism (happily) in 1994, and who decided to go vegan last month, I appreciate having VRG as a reliable resource. Keep up the good work.
Beverly Frank
Via e-mail
A Concerned Mother Writes
While I am not a vegetarian, my 18-year-old son has chosen this dietary style recently.
In an effort to help him maintain a balanced diet and sound nutrition, I searched the internet for information. Your website, by far, is the most balanced, fact-based, and helpful information I have found. It is very educational for me and for him. It provides dietary guidelines as well as lots of recipes, including low cost ones. This is his biggest challenge right now as he has just moved out and is living with a relative who doesn't shop or eat this way.
Thank you for providing a source of information that is not silly or extremist, but which presumes that there are many different reasons people choose to eat vegetarian, and provides the information on how to do it properly.
You give a much needed "balanced" viewpoint.
Sandra Daniels
Via e-mail