VRG > Vegetarian Journal > 2009 Issue 3 > Back Cover: VRG Outreach Booths
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VRG Outreach Booths
Kudos also to our volunteers who have staffed VRG outreach booths around the country in the past
year, such as the following:
- The Green Festival
in Chicago
- Book Expo America
in New York City
- The American Dietetic
Association Food and
Nutrition Conference
in Chicago
- The Green Festival
in Denver
- The Boston Vegetarian
Society Food Festival
- A Middle School Health
Fair in Baltimore
- Taking Action for Animals
in Virginia
- The Veggie Pride Parade
in New York City
And many more!
If you would like to volunteer at VRG booths or would like handouts or books for your own outreach
activities, please e-mail [email protected] or call the office at (410) 366-8343.